Tribute to Jeremy Venegas: Emotional Record and Arrest Update in Lota

2024-04-21 22:27:12

An emotional record shows the wake of Jeremy Venegas, the Third Year student at the Carlos Cousiño High School in Lota who was murdered with a knife near the establishment last Friday.

In the video, which went viral on social networks, you can see how the young man’s classmates and teacher pay tribute to him by symbolically passing the roll call for the last time.

During the sequence, you hear that when Jeremy is named, everyone responds “present” in unison.

One arrested for student crime in Lota

According to Radio Bío Bío, after a verbal order from the prosecutor handling the case, a 17-year-old teenager with the initials FAMB was arrested in Lota, who allegedly participated in the fight where Jeremy died.

The young man was apprehended when he arrived with his grandmother to a Carabineros patrol to deliver information as a witness to the crime. From that moment on he remained at the disposal of the Investigative Police.

Already at the PDI headquarters, his participation in the fight was established, where he was detained and in the process an entry order and search of his home was carried out.

During the proceedings, “a T-shirt that has the insignia of the Rosauro Santa Ríos Polytechnic High School, impregnated with reddish brown stains,” was seized, which was sent for expert examination to the Criminalistics Laboratory of the Investigative Police.

Tomorrow the teenager will be formalized at 10:00 in the morning at the Lota Guarantee Court. The defendant also registered a current arrest warrant for the crime of robbery with violence, from February of this year.

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La Radio sources indicate that the alleged perpetrator would be a 16-year-old student, belonging to the aforementioned educational facility, who has not yet been arrested.

Jeremy’s funeral will be held this Monday.

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