Campaign Snapshots | The CD&V does not want to remain watching what will come out of the nuptial dance between PS and N-VA

Campaign Snapshots |  The CD&V does not want to remain watching what will come out of the nuptial dance between PS and N-VA

2024-04-21 15:33:58


21 avril 2024

L’Echo journalists scrutinize the electoral campaign every week and bring together the salient elements.

The CD&V will “not allow this country to be blocked”

“Choose safety.” This is the slogan with which the CD&V presents itself to voters in view of June 9.
The party members meeting on Sunday at the “Nekkerbox” in Mechelen approved the Christian Democrats’ program unanimously with two abstentions. This materializes in a manifesto of 70 points focused on three themes: well-being, income and security. This choice is not innocent: it is intended to be a reverse reference to the Vlaams Blok plan of the 1990s.

The president of the CD&V, Sammy Mahdi, intends to make his party a barrier once morest extremist groups. He places himself on the center left on socio-economic themes and on the center right on ethical, security and immigration themes. Offering a response to the concerns of far-right voters constitutes the only alternative to the political immobility which threatens following June 9, he believes. “More than ever, we are the pulse of Flanders, a true popular party which is there for all of Flanders,” said the president. “With our party, we are once once more the leader in the center.”

After June 9, the Christian Democrats do not want a scenario of a long period of paralysis during which the PS and the N-VA seek each other out. “We are not going to allow this country to be blocked. We are not going to stand by and watch what comes out of the marriage dance between the PS and the N-VA. With a strong mandate from voters, we can bring them out of their citadel“, said Sammy Mahdi, who welcomes the resurgence of Engagés on the French-speaking side.

The N-VA presents its lists in Wallonia

We have already known for more than a month that Drieu Godefridi would be head of the N-VA list in Walloon Brabantnow the Flemish nationalist party has revealed the rest of its selection for Wallonia.

For the HainautIt is Michel DeWolf, professor at UCLouvain and ULiège, who will be head of the list. Coming from the world of entrepreneurship, Laurence Genot will represent the colors of the N-VA in the province of Namur. She had previously worked with the MR and the Destexhe Lists. HAS Liege, Evelien Barbieuxadvisor to the party’s study center, will be on the front line, while for the Luxembourgshe is the French-speaking spokesperson for the N-VA, Anne-Laure Mouligneauxwhich will pull the list.

Conner Rousseau quits politics if he is not elected

Former Vooruit Party President Conner Rousseau is back. He began his campaign on Thursday on the Grand Place de Saint-Nicolas. He will push the socialist list to the Flemish Parliament. If he doesn’t get a seat, he will stop politics: “My goal is to be elected and give a clear signal that politics needs someone like mei,” he said.

DéFI aims for a federal government without the N-VA

The DéFI party hopes to significantly increase its number of seats in the House during the elections on June 9. He doesn’t hide either his ambition to join the next federal government, provided however that it does not include the N-VA, its president, François De Smet, said on Wednesday.

“How do you expect it to be possible to associate with a party that wants the destruction of Belgium from within?” questioned François De Smet, during the presentation of his Brussels list for the Chamber, at the party headquarters. “I don’t see what it is possible to build with this purveyor of extremist ideas,” he added. He denounces the “ambivalence” of the N-VA towards a possible rise to power with Vlaams Belang in Flanders.

The president of DéFI, François De Smet, delivers a speech during a congress of the French-speaking regionalist party DéFI to launch the 2024 electoral campaign, on Sunday March 17, 2024 in Mons.

Holder of two seats currently in the House, the amarante party hopes to win a third seat with the arrival of the former Brussels investigating judge, Michel Claise. According to Mr. De Smet, it is not excluded that his party will also win a federal deputy seat in the provinces of Liège, Hainaut, or even in Namur.

The numbers of the parties on the lists are known

The Vlaams Belang receives number 1 on the lists for the elections of June 9 following a draw carried out on Friday. The MR receives number 2; the Open Vld, the 3rd; the PS, the 4; the Engaged, the 6th; the PTB, the 8th; Vooruit, the 9th; the N-VA, the 10th; CHALLENGE, the 13th; Ecolo, the 14th; Groen, on the 15th and the CD&V, on the 16th.

Thomas Dermine (PS) evokes an alliance with the PTB

The Secretary of State for Recovery, Thomas Dermine of the Socialist Party (PS), launched this Wednesday an appeal to Sofie Merckx, leader of the Belgian Labor Party (PTB) to form a government with “breaking points”according to information from the newspaper Le Soir.

During the debate organized in Charleroi in front of union activists, he expressed his desire to see the PTB act more as a political partner than a union, emphasizing the need for a left-wing coalition to influence government decisions. “Sofie, this is a challenge that I am throwing at you! To go further, in all honesty, we need other left-wing parties,” he added.

During the debate organized in Charleroi in front of union activists, Thomas Dermine expressed his desire to see the PTB act more like a political partner than a union.
©Valentin Bianchi / Hans Lucas

In response, Merckx highlighted the distinction between compromise and compromise, expressing his surprise at the PS’s proposal. She also recalled that it is not only in Parliament that we can act.

This discussion marks a first attempt by a socialist member to promote a left-wing coalition.

Bart De Wever does not want Paul Magnette as Prime Minister

While the president of the PS, Paul Magnette, clearly claims that he wants to become the next Prime Minister following the next elections, the president of the Flemish nationalists, Bart De Wever, is now saying the same thing.

“Magnette is not fit to become Prime Minister”, declares Bart De Wever, president of the N-VA, in an interview with the weekly Humo. “He cannot be trusted because of his impulsiveness and the way he lets himself be pushed around by the PTB. He will never be able to transcend his party. So it will depend on me, as leader – I hope – of the largest faction,” he continues.

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