Finance begins events for the placement of 2024 Treasury Bonds – 2024-04-21 15:37:25

For this year, according to the current budget, the authorized placement of bonds is Q12,775.1 million.

The approved amount had been Q10,587 million for 2024, however the budget decree was suspended by the Constitutional Court (CC) and the one in force for 2023 must be applied.

The first event for placement was held on Thursday, April 18, through the Auction negotiation system, indicated the Ministry of Finance.

There was a demand for Q183.77 million, although on this occasion there were no awards, the entity added.

Events are planned to be held every week until availability is exhausted.

On April 9, the Regulations for the Issuance, Negotiation, Placement and Payment of the Service of Treasury Bonds for the fiscal year 2024 were published, and which is contained in Government Agreement Number 48-2024.

These regulations detail the different negotiation systems that can be used to offer the bonds, which include auction, bidding, window.

In addition, the power is established for the placement of securities under the types of thematic bonds that may include: Green Bonds, Blue Bonds and Social Bonds, among others, which can be negotiated and placed in national or foreign currency, and at a national and international level. internationally, reported the Minfin.

Green bonds are used to finance environmental objectives, social bonds are dedicated to projects aimed at improving social well-being and blue bonds aim to protect oceans and marine ecosystems through their preservation, the entity adds.

The calls and results of the events will be announced through the site

This regulation also establishes the regulations for the placement of securities for Small Investors.

The minimum initial investment amount for each small investor (individual person) is from Q10 thousand or US$1,300, up to a maximum amount of Q500 thousand, the ministry explained.

The resources obtained from the placement of Treasury Bonds are distributed to finance services in the areas of health, education and security, which allow the Guatemalan population to be served and generate economic and social reactivation that drives the development of the country, according to to the General Government Plan.

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