Jorge Álvarez Máynez proposes security and education reform before bankers

The candidate for the presidency of the Republic of the Citizen Movement, Jorge Álvarez Máynez, introduced to the bankers three strategic axes of government: a reform of public safety, education, housing and youth care.

By participating in the political catwalk of the 87 Banking Convention in Acapulco, Guerreropointed out that Mexico faces serious public security problems that prevents the development of the country.

He indicated that achieving a Mexico with justice represents the main problem of the country, he said that 20 years ago “we were not” even among the 20 most insecure nations in the world and, now, we reach “the 10 most violent countries.”

“We have entire states affected by the organized crime, governed mostly by Morena, which have failed in security as in Morelos, Colima and Guerrero”, which report a “failed security policy.”

Faced with such a problem, Máynez proposed creating a “security agreement”which allows the formation of new police forces, a national chain of senior police officers and an App for citizens to make complaints and create a heat map of the more serious crimes such as robbery, kidnappings and payment for housing rights.

Education and care for young people

Even though he didn’t talk regarding growthcredit, companies and financial issues, when appearing before the bankers, the standard bearer of the Citizen Movement spoke out in favor of creating a national program of public education, which receives 10 billion pesos every year.

He pointed out that, if he wins the presidency of the Republic, your government will spend 50% of these resources in early childhood programs, a regional development fund and social education policies in which the private sector and the federal government participate, through technical councils for planning transexennial projects, without seeing electoral income.

When referring to young people, Máynez said that this sector of the population is concerned regarding the lack of job opportunities, the precariousness of their future and the need for housing: “We need a national housing program, with public and private financing.”

He spoke out in favor of providing young people with a policy of “vouchers” so that they can attend concerts, buy books, “go to the dance”, this with the purpose of making them consumers of creative industries.

The presidential standard bearer committed to giving budgetary autonomy to public universities, strengthen the national system of researchers and promote a scholarship strategy for students from private universities, in addition to the support that is already provided to centers in the public system.

Also proposed a “national program of physical activation and sport”, scholarships for those who maintain sports activities; “It is also a great school to train girls and boys in values ​​and associate them with healthier behaviors,” she noted.

#Jorge #Álvarez #Máynez #proposes #security #education #reform #bankers
2024-04-21 15:24:05



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