Claudia Sheinbaum Promises Health System Improvements in Chiapas – Rally Highlights

2024-04-21 03:41:06

Claudia Sheinbaumcoalition presidential candidate Let’s continue making history, He held a rally this Saturday in Chilón, Chiapas, where when he asked attendees regarding how the health centers in the region are, they immediately yelled, “Bad!”

Given this, the morenista He paused, then asked: “What are you missing?”, to which the majority of the audience responded almost in chorus: “Everything!”

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It should be noted that the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador He has assured that his government has fulfilled free medical coverage for all Mexicans.

Meanwhile, the people of Chiapas this Saturday pointed out to Sheinbaum important deficiencies in the local health system.

Sheinbaum He asked if they required “doctors, nurses and medicines,” while listing the basic equipment that a health center must have. The smile on the candidate’s face disappeared and her happy tone changed to a serious one, since the response from those present was that “everything” was missing.

Immediately, he reminded them that the governor Rutilio Escandona Morenista, had previously signed an agreement with President López Obrador “so that a new health system enters Chiapas,” thereby avoiding delving into the shortcomings of this entity.

The improvement of the health system and national coverage was one of his main promises since the start of President López Obrador’s government.

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At the rally that day, Sheinbaum also mentioned that Wellness pharmacies will be promoted, so that medication coverage is met, although this was another of the commitments that the federal president assured that he had already fulfilled.

Claudia Sheinbaum She was accompanied by Senator Ricardo Monreal and Eduardo Ramírez, candidate for governor of Chiapas.

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