“Enough talking about Conte”, PD with tense nerves –

“Enough talking about Conte”, PD with tense nerves –

The secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein is between two fires: on the one hand the attrition by Giuseppe Conte’s 5 Star Movement which started following the Bari investigations, on the other the maneuvers of the red-green left which is trying to win over the Dem voters as well as forces of the center in view of the next European elections. According to a background story from Corriere della Sera, Schlein scolded him for contributing to fueling the Pd-M5s diatribe at a crucial moment in the electoral campaign. “Enough talking regarding Conte. There are elections and our opponent is the right. I hope it is the same for him too”, are the sentences attributed to the secretary. Who actually launches a warning to the Grillino leader: “He has held many things once morest us in this period, but I have never held his government with Salvini and the Security decrees once morest him and I won’t do so now either”, is the message delivered to the faithful .

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In short, the “Zen” communication claimed by Schlein might undergo some remodulation. Conte, for his part, throws words like stones from Basilicata evoking Tangentopoli-style scenarios for the Apulian investigations. There is another aspect that puts the Democratic Party at the center of the attention of the entire centre-left galaxy. Starting from the Greens-Left alliance of Angelo Bonelli and Nicola Fratoianni who “aim to take away votes from the Democratic Party. This is the objective of Avs, which, not surprisingly, nominated Ignazio Marino for the European elections (despite the fact that the Dems had tried to convince Bonelli to forget it) and Mimmo Lucano (the Democratic Party would have wanted him on its lists)”, but Carlo Calenda also “is targeting that electoral pool”.

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Returning to the reds, according to Il Foglio Ilaria Salis, who has long been in Schlein’s sights, would be “ready to accept the candidacy for the European elections with Avs, the alliance of the Greens and the Italian Left”. “Salis is imprisoned in Budapest prison and today the Italian diplomatic corps will authenticate her signature for the acceptance of her candidacy. The place at the top of the list in the north-west is ready for her”, reveals the newspaper even if Bonelli denied this to The wind that blows, on La7. From the 39-year-old teacher from Monza, arrested on 11 February 2023 and since then detained in Hungary because she was accused of having participated in the attack of some neo-Nazis who had taken part in the ‘Day of Honour’, comes only the comment of her lawyer, Eugenio Losco, interviewed by Adnkronos, is concise but punctual: “I don’t know if Ilaria Salis has chosen to run, if so it’s a personal choice that I respect”.

#talking #Conte #tense #nerves #Tempo
2024-04-21 02:40:38

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