New Study Finds Surprising Link Between Cannabis Use and Lower Risk of Cognitive Decline

New Study Finds Surprising Link Between Cannabis Use and Lower Risk of Cognitive Decline

When it comes to the potential effects of cannabis use on cognitive decline, a new study has revealed surprising findings. According to researchers at the State University of New York Upstate Medical University, nonmedical cannabis use was found to lower a person’s odds of subjective cognitive decline (SCD) by 96%. This unexpected result challenges previous research that suggested cannabis use may be linked to an increased risk of cognitive decline. The study’s coauthor, Roger Wong, Ph.D., expressed his astonishment at these contrasting results.

The study analyzed data from nearly 4,800 U.S. adults aged 45 and older, using the CDC’s 2021 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Respondents were asked regarding their frequency and reasons for cannabis use, as well as the method of consumption. The researchers found that cognitive decline was most commonly reported among individuals who used cannabis for medical purposes, followed by dual users (both medical and nonmedical), and recreational users. Importantly, the study showed a statistically significant association between nonmedical cannabis use and a decreased risk of subjective cognitive decline.

This study’s results challenge some preconceived notions regarding the potential effects of cannabis on cognitive decline. The research suggests that cannabis composition, including the concentration of THC versus CBD, may be a more crucial variable than the intended use (medical or recreational) of the cannabis. However, the study does have some limitations. It relied on self-reporting for cannabis use, which may introduce bias, and it focused on middle-aged and older adults, while previous research has mainly focused on adolescents.

The correlation between cannabis use and cognitive decline is a complex and evolving topic, with many factors still to be explored. Additionally, the legal landscape surrounding cannabis use varies greatly across different states in the U.S., posing challenges for researchers in conducting comprehensive studies. Moving forward, it would be beneficial to conduct more longitudinal research and involve objective assessments of cognitive decline to enhance the accuracy of the findings. This would provide a clearer understanding of the potential benefits and risks associated with cannabis use and cognitive health.

Considering the potential trends and implications of this study, it is clear that further research is needed to fully understand the relationship between cannabis use and cognitive decline. As the legalization of cannabis continues to expand across different regions, it becomes increasingly important to gain comprehensive knowledge regarding its effects on



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