European women, from Ilaria Salis to Mimmo Lucano, little Soumahoros grow up –

Rita Cavallaro

From the deputy in boots to the teacher in chains it’s a moment. Nicola Fratoianni and Angelo Bonelli bring a new model to Europe and wrest from the Democratic Party the symbol of the new left-wing propaganda: Ilaria Salis. The teacher detained awaiting trial in Orban’s Hungary obtained a seat in the Green and Left Alliance, following a thrilling day in which denials and confirmations were chased between the two big names in the party, in the face of the indiscretion from the Foglio which he claimed how the teacher was ready to sign from her cell in Budapest.

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Just before 7pm, the official announcement. «The Green and Left Alliance in agreement with Roberto Salis has decided to nominate his daughter Ilaria, detained in Hungary, in conditions that seriously violate people’s rights, on its lists in the next European elections», reads the note from Avs. «In these hours the national leadership groups are discussing the modalities of this choice, which aims to protect the rights and dignity of a European citizen, also from the inertia of the Italian authorities to obtain a rapid release from prison in favor of house arrest denied with the final decision by the Hungarian judges.”

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It will be the leader in the North West. Fratoianni and Bonelli, with this move, hope that «around the candidacy of Ilaria Salis a great and generous battle can be generated so that the European Union defends the principles of the Rule of Law and reaffirms the inviolability of fundamental human rights throughout its territory and in each of the member states”. In short, it is also an ideological choice, but which mainly aims to remove, if she were elected, the 39-year-old teacher from Orban’s chains, given that parliamentary immunity would allow Salis to be released from prison and face court hearings as a free woman. At least this is the objective of the two left-wing leaders, but it is not necessarily so simple. Indeed, the candidacy might complicate the situation, in light of some declarations that appear to be signs of uncertainty.

“Ilaria Salis’s candidacy for the European elections does not change the government’s work”, assured Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni regarding the diplomatic commitment for the teacher’s rights, but “I have already said in the past that the politicization of the matter does not help”. Along the same lines are the words of Salis’s Hungarian lawyer, Gyorgy Magyar, who, although he confirmed that his client should enjoy parliamentary immunity in the event of election, also spoke of an uncertain situation, linked to the fact that the judges’ objections are prior to the votes, so the political move might trigger a strong reaction from the Court. A scenario that the leaders of the Green and Left Alliance will probably have discussed extensively during the day of back and forth over the candidacy when, calling into question the announcements of the agreement with Roberto Salis for his daughter’s race, Bonelli’s denial to the ‘Air blowing, on La7. So much so that the ironic quip from Forza Italia MP Alessandro Cattaneo resonated in the studio: “After Soumahoro they are more cautious.”

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Not to mention that, if Salis does not obtain the necessary votes to be elected, it would be a boomerang for the Bonelli-Fratoianni duo, just as Aboubakar was. The defender of the last who from the Laborers League was catapulted into Parliament by the Alliance, crossing the threshold of Montecitorio, on his first day, with rubber boots. Only to then discover that, for his family, that welcome was just a business, which Abou attempted to call “the right to elegance”, while his wife Liliane Murekatete and his mother-in-law Maria Therese Mukamitsindo ended up in handcuffs, on trial for having used millions of euros from hospitality for holidays and designer clothes. The same welcome that has now led Bonelli and Fratoianni to also nominate Mimmo Lucano as a candidate in Europe, the former mayor sentenced to 13 years for the Riace model and acquitted on appeal, when the accusatory system of irregularities in the management of migrants fell away.

#European #women #Ilaria #Salis #Mimmo #Lucano #Soumahoros #grow #Tempo
2024-04-20 17:02:03



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