Chairman of Commission V Asks the Government to Resolve the ODOL Problem Through a Joint Meeting – 2024-04-20 14:48:38

Chairman of Commission V DPR RI Lasarus (Dok. MI)

CHAIRMAN of Commission V DPR RI Lasarus admitted that the problem of Over Dimension Overload (ODOL) trucks might only be resolved if there was the government’s willingness to hold a joint meeting between the relevant ministries chaired directly by the President. If this is not done, the DPR will not be able to do much to resolve the ODOL problem.

“Commission V DPR RI cannot do much in terms of resolving this ODOL. “If there is an intention to resolve this ODOL problem, the government as the implementer must hold a joint meeting, there is no need to go to the DPR,” he said recently.

According to him, the DPR’s relationship in the ODOL issue is more related to the law, which in this case is related to the Traffic and Goods Transport Law. “We have long proposed that this law be revised, but the government doesn’t want to,” he said.

He said that it was difficult to resolve the ODOL problem because there was no understanding between the relevant ministries and agencies such as the Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR, Police, Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Trade. This was because the ODOL problem was national in nature and covered the livelihoods many people or on a wide scale from Sabang to Merauke.

“So, a joint meeting is needed to discuss this ODOL issue, and it must be chaired directly by the President so that it can be resolved quickly. “Don’t take anything to the DPR,” he said.

Regarding the request by the Minister of PUPR, Basuki Hadimuljono, that Commission V DPR RI might also discuss the ODOL issue with other related commissions in the DPR, Lasarus said it was difficult to implement.

Also read: PUPR Minister asks for ODOL issue to be discussed by involving all parties

“I see that Mr. Bas also seems hopeless. The government should coordinate. Unless the regulations don’t yet exist, that’s up to the DPR. “This regulation already exists, but when we asked to change it, the Ministry of Transportation and the Police didn’t want to,” he said.

He emphasized the need to revise the Traffic and Goods Transportation Law so that the regulations for loading goods might be made more detailed.

“Now it’s not detailed. For example, if the PUPR regulations state that the strength of road A is only able to accommodate a certain load of vehicles, then national roads, toll roads can only accommodate such a load, district roads can only accommodate such a load. “Later, we will revise the rules to emphasize them once more based on the information we see and they will be more detailed,” he said.

Also read: Homecomers who park on the shoulders of toll roads need to be handled with a persuasive approach, why?

Previously, in a Working Meeting with Commission V DPR-RI some time ago, PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono asked Commission V DPR-RI to resolve the ODOL problem by involving all related institutions. This aims to ensure that no more parties feel disadvantaged when Zero ODOL is implemented.

“So it must be done thoroughly and everyone agrees. “Including from the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Trade who have so far disagreed with the implementation of Zero ODOL,” said Basuki at that time.

He said that dealing with the ODOL problem was the same as dealing with floods. According to him, it must involve all relevant stakeholders, including other relevant commissions in the DPR.

“I would like to propose to hold a joint meeting in this DPR. This is our suggestion. “So, inviting the commission that oversees trade and industry has until now asked for relaxation,” he said.

He admitted that if only a few parties were involved as currently, only the Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of PUPR, Korlantas, this ODOL problem might not be resolved. “So, there needs to be discussions with all relevant agencies so that this problem can be resolved,” he said. (Z-7)

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