Basilicata voting on Sunday: centre-right-Renzi-Calenda against the broad camp

The outgoing one Vito Bardi (centre-right) with seven supporting symbols. Piero Marrese (centre-left) with five. And the outsider Eustachio Madness with that of Volt. For the position of governor of Lucania it is a three-way electoral competition, with the current governor who the latest published polls give the advantage. The absence of the split vote option and the support of Action (led in Basilicata by the former regional president and king of preferences Marcello Pittella) are all factors that push the center-right to fly. In Basilicata we vote for the Regionals on Sunday 21st from 7am to 11pm and Monday 22nd April from 7am to 3pm, in an important test less than 50 days before the European Championships. There are approximately 570 thousand people entitled to vote, with the percentage of turnout which might be decisive.

The candidates in the field

Bardi is supported by Forza Italia, Fratelli d’Italia, Lega, UdC-Christian Democracy, Noi Moderates, Progoglio Lucano and the civic list La Vera Basilicata. Azione and Italia Viva also supported him. President of the Basilicata Region since April 2019, born in 1951, former deputy general commander of the Guardia di Finanza, Bardi was indicated by Forza Italia as a unitary candidate of the centre-right. On the centre-left front, Marrese, president of the province of Matera, is supported by the broad camp of the Democratic Party, the 5 Star Movement and the Green-Left Alliance. But also from the Basilicata Unita and Basilicata Casa Comune lists. The latter refers to the entrepreneur Angelo Chiorazzowho was initially expected to be a candidate, but then withdrew from the race.

Separate voting prohibited

The single-round formula is adopted, in which the voter must express a preference within the chosen list and vote for the Presidential candidate on a single ballot. The candidate with the most votes will win. You can vote for one of the provincial lists by drawing a mark in the corresponding rectangle or by writing the surname or first and last name of one of the candidates on the same list. The vote expressed for a provincial list is attributed to the candidate President of the list or coalition to which it is connected. Unlike the mechanism with which voting was held in Sardinia last February, the electoral law in Basilicata does not provide for separate voting, i.e. the possibility of voting for a list and for a presidential candidate that are not connected to each other. . However, it is possible to express a double gender preference (a male candidate and a female candidate). The lists linked to the President-elect can be assigned a majority bonus ranging from a minimum of 11 seats in the event that the President-elect obtains 30% more votes up to a maximum of 14 seats if he receives 40% more of votes.

The role of Chiorazzo

In total there are 258 candidates for the position of councilor. All the outgoing councilors are in the field. 18 of the 20 outgoing directors were also renominated. Among these, Marcello Pittella, governor of Lucania with the Democratic Party from 2013 to 2018 and now leader of the Potentino party for Action. Also running for the outgoing governor are the outgoing councilors Mario Polese and Luca Braia (Italia Viva) in the civic “Orgoglio Lucano”, which also fields Dario De Luca, mayor of Potenza from 2014 to 2019. In the centre-left, leader of the Basilicata Casa Comune for the province of Potenza is Angelo Chiorazzo, protagonist of the Lucanian political scene in recent weeks. Indicated since last autumn by his movement as a gubernatorial candidate, with the support of the Lucanian dems, the founder of the Auxilium cooperative took a step back twice, converging towards the centre-left: the first to support the ophthalmologist Domenico Lacerenza, who then withdrew , the second when he closed the definitive agreement with Marrese (president of the Province of Matera.

Stages divided by Pd and M5s

For the centre-left, following the two days in Lucania of the M5s leader Giuseppe Contewhich ended on Wednesday, yesterday was the turn of Elly Schlein in support of the gubernatorial candidate, the dem Piero Marrese. For several weeks, the Lucanian electoral campaign of the Pd and M5S proceeded under the radar, crushed by the prospect of the importance of the European vote, with the proportional system which inevitably distances the two parties, and by the clamor for the cancellation of the primaries in Bari. In recent days, in Basilicata, the Pd and M5S, without ever getting much closer, have instead pushed a lot on the healthcare issue. Conte held a meeting with the healthcare staff of the Villa d’Agri hospital in Marsicovetere (Potenza). Schlein began his Lucanian tour – which also touched Melfi, Rionero in Vulture and Potenza – from outside the Madonna delle Grazie hospital in Matera.

#Basilicata #voting #Sunday #centrerightRenziCalenda #broad #camp
2024-04-20 01:21:35



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