Universities: for the CIN there was no “agreement” but “an announcement from the Government” and it ratified the march

2024-04-19 10:45:00

The National Interuniversity Council (CIN) reported that the decision of the Ministry of Human Capital to increase operating expenses by 70 percent for the month of March and another 70 percent for the month of May “This is not an agreement but a government announcement”.

The organization, which brings together the rectors of public universities, also ratified the march next Tuesday, April 23.

“We support the proposal of necessary increases for operating expenses and student scholarships, updating of teaching and non-teaching salaries, and reactivation of science, research and extension policies and the financing of works,” said the CIN in a publication on the network. social “X”.


He also assured that the march next Tuesday the 23rd, “to which the CIN convenes and adheres, will be carried out as planned, since it is an activity of vital importance to make visible the situation that the national university and scientific system is going through”.

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In another part of the statement, the CIN understands that “dialogue is, without a doubt, the way to achieve true agreements that provide the predictability that the university and scientific system needs in university matters.”

He also appreciates that “part of what we have been demanding is recognized, substantial and unavoidable, for the normal functioning of our institutions.”

“We are waiting for the invitation in which the measure is formally shared with us, which will be attended by the CIN Executive Committee,” closed the statement from the rectors and rectors.

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Government measure

The Ministry of Human Capital stated yesterday that the proposal was “consensual” with the CIN, which was later rejected by this body.

“The Government ordered an increase70% in March carrying the assignment by operating expenses to $10,075,851,995 per month for national universities and another 70% in the month of May reaching $14,224,732,213 per month, totaling a 140% increase over the base allocation of $5,926,971,777 per month,” reported the portfolio in charge of Sandra Pettovello.

“In addition, an extraordinary amount was made available to meet the needs of the university hospitals of $14,403,479,661,” detailed in a “X” publication.

Human Capital specified that “a meeting will be held at the Undersecretary of University Policies with the Executive Committee of the CIN (National Interuniversity Council) to talk regarding how, together, we will advance the changes that society demands, at the same time that we commit to achieve a quality university education.”

Finally, he stated that “it was agreed to move forward together between the national government and the national universities, as indicated in article 2 of the Higher Education Law No. 24,521, in a joint audit program that improves and perfects the existing audit systems.” .

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