“Exchanging old for new” releases billions of consumer demands, and the automobile industry welcomes new “energy” development opportunities

2024-04-19 08:04:47

“Exchanging old for new” releases billions of consumer demands The automobile industry welcomes new development opportunities by replacing “energy”

On April 12, 14 departments including the Ministry of Commerce issued the “Action Plan for Promoting Consumer Goods Trade” (hereinfollowing referred to as the “Action Plan”), focusing on the three main areas such as automobiles, household appliances, and home decoration, kitchen and bathroom. 22 measures were proposed for the “renewal” of the kitchen and bathroom.

The “Action Plan” proposes to gradually establish an effective mechanism that will make it easier to get rid of the old and be more willing to replace it with the new, to encourage the replacement of intelligent consumer goods, green and low-carbon, and strive to increase domestic demand.

Expanding domestic demand, promoting consumption and stabilizing growth is one of the important starting points of economic work in 2024. In order to promote the modernization of equipment and consumer goods, in terms of political, the country has deployed a “1+N” political system.

“1” refers to the “Action Plan for Promoting Large-Scale Equipment Renewal and Resumption of Consumer Goods” issued by the State Council in March this year, which proposes the implementation of four major actions: renewal of equipment, resumption of consumer goods. consumer goods, recycling and improving standards.

“Relevant agencies estimate that my country’s annual demand for equipment investment in key areas such as industry and agriculture is more than 5 trillion yuan, and the demand for replacement of automobiles and household appliances is also above 1 trillion yuan, at the regular meeting of the State Council.” policy briefing held on April 11 At the meeting, Zhao Chenxin, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said: “The market space for large-scale equipment renewal and exchange of consumer goods is very extensive.

It can not only promote consumption, stimulate investment and effectively improve economic vitality, but also increase advanced production capacity, promote energy saving and carbon emission reduction, reduce security risks and achieve high quality development. Relevant policies benefit both businesses and people, providing development opportunities for businesses while meeting people’s growing needs for a better life.

“N” refers to specific implementation plans in various areas, the action plan to promote the exchange of consumer goods for new goods, led by the Ministry of Commerce, is one of them.

Sheng Qiuping, vice minister of the Ministry of Commerce, attended the event and said that the Ministry of Commerce adheres to the two-wheel drive strategy of “policy + activities”, focuses on promoting the replacement of old goods of consumption by new and door launched a series of “Consumption Promotion Year” activities to take multiple measures to stabilize and increase consumption. He said he would encourage the replacement of cars with “energy”, the replacement of household appliances with “intelligent” ones and the “renewal” of home, kitchen and bathroom decoration, promote ecological updating and quality improvement of residents’ durable consumer goods. goods, and continue to create new points of consumption growth.

Specific to the automotive field, the “Action Plan” sets the following objectives: By increasing policy guidance and support, we will strive to accelerate the phase-out of passenger cars meeting National III and lower emission standards of by 2025, and to increase the volume of recycling of discarded waste. cars by 50% compared to 2023. %; by 2027, the recycling volume of scrapped cars will double compared to 2023, and the transaction volume of used cars will increase by 45% compared to 2023.

(File photo)

“Central finance and local governments will work together to organize funds to support the scrapping and renewal of automobiles” and “encourage qualified localities to coordinate the use of funds related to the modern organized circulation and commerce system by central finances. The “Action Plan” clearly proposes increasing budgetary and financial policy support.

“The central government’s budgetary support focuses on promoting the exchange of old cars for new cars. Fixed subsidies will be provided to consumers who abandon high-emission passenger cars or new energy-eligible passenger cars and purchase new energy cars that meet energy-saving requirements or new energy cars,” said Director of the Ministry of Finance’s Economic Construction Department.

According to calculations by relevant agencies, there are currently around 116 million vehicles of National IV models and below. The “Action Plan” might accelerate the scrapping of high-emission passenger vehicles of national level IV and below, effectively promoting domestic demand for vehicle replacement. In 2024, this is expected to boost replacement demand for around 1 million passenger cars.

The “Action Plan” also requires emphasizing the importance of standards in the automobile field, improving the system of recycling and dismantling of scrapped cars, promoting safe and convenient transactions of used cars, to develop and strengthen used car commercial entities and promote innovative activities. development of traffic and automobile consumption.

In today’s automobile market, many consumers are willing to replace traditional fuel vehicles with more environmentally friendly electric vehicles, and relevant policies will contribute to this change. Industry insiders believe that the introduction of the “Action Plan” is a “timely rain” that strengthens confidence in the automobile market and increases domestic demand for automobiles, and will bring numerous business opportunities.

The “Action Plan” states that by exchanging cars for “energy”, the industry will focus on the entire life cycle of new cars, used cars, scrapped cars and car secondary market, unblock cycle bottlenecks, strengthen the leadership of reform and innovation, and promote the exchange of old cars for new cars throughout the chain.

It is very important to implement a new round of automobile exchange. Relevant policies are conducive to stimulating a trillion-yuan market space, improving the long-term mechanism of automobile consumption, and creating new advantages in industrial competition, thereby promoting development high quality from Chinese automobile industry.

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