The Ultimate Guide to Understanding and Preventing Hepatitis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

2024-04-17 14:00:23

The impact of hepatitis can be big or small! The World Health Organization released the latest data on Tuesday (9) that the number of deaths from viral hepatitis (hepatitis B and hepatitis C) continues to increase every year worldwide, averaging 3,500 deaths per day in 2022, making it the second largest infectious disease in the world! There are also more than 400,000 hepatitis B and hepatitis C patients in Hong Kong, which can progress to cirrhosis or liver cancer if they get worse. Are diarrhea and abdominal pain symptoms of hepatitis? What foods can help protect your liver?

Viral hepatitis kills 3,500 people every day and is the second deadliest infectious disease in the world.

Published by the World Health Organization on April 9“Global Hepatitis Report 2024”the report collected data from 187 countries and found that the annual number of deaths from viral hepatitis (hepatitis B and C) worldwide increased from 1.1 million in 2019 to 1.3 million in 2022 .

Highlights from the WHO Global Hepatitis Report 2024

Viral hepatitis is concentrated in 10 countries and more than half of cases affect people aged 30 to 54.

As for new cases of viral hepatitis, there will be nearly 2.2 million new viral hepatitis infections worldwide in 2022, with an average of more than 6,000 people every day. Among them, there were 1.2 million new hepatitis B patients and nearly 1 million new hepatitis C patients. Although the overall number was down slightly from the 2.5 million 2019 cases, the incidence of viral hepatitis remains high.

What age group is likely to be infected? Are there more male patients?

The WHO estimates that in 2022, 254 million people worldwide are living with hepatitis B and 50 million people with hepatitis C. Among chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C infections, half of cases are in the 30-54 age group, and an additional 12% are in the under 18 age group. In terms of gender, men account for approximately 58% of all infections.

The report also highlights that almost two-thirds of hepatitis B and hepatitis C cases worldwide are mainly concentrated in the following 10 countries:

  • China, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia
  • Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Vietnam

Among them, 63% of new cases of hepatitis B come from Africa, but only 18% of newborns there are vaccinated against hepatitis B at birth. Additionally, 47% of hepatitis B deaths come from the Western Pacific Region, where treatment coverage is only 23%, which is not enough to reduce hepatitis B mortality.

At the same time, among all the countries that reported the situation, only 60% of the countries’ public services provide completely or partially free viral hepatitis testing and treatment services to the public, and many people still have to bear the corresponding costs themselves. .

The 7 most common symptoms of hepatitis B: be careful when urinating brown

What is viral hepatitis? According to the Hong Kong Department of Health, it is an infectious disease that causes inflammation of the liver due to certain viruses. Hepatitis viruses found in Hong Kong include: hepatitis A, B, C and E. Other rarer forms of viral hepatitis include type D and type G.

The Ministry of Health estimates that around 410,000 people in Hong Kong suffer fromHepatitis B, representing 5.6% of the total population. Among people aged 35 to 54, the hepatitis B surface antigen positivity rate was highest, at 8.4%; the rate among people under 35 was lower, at less than 2%.

Common symptoms of hepatitis B

According to the Hong Kong Department of Health, common symptoms of hepatitis B include fever, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, yellowing of the whites of the eyes, dark urine and earthy or light stools.

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What causes hepatitis B? Can liver cirrhosis progress to liver cancer?

According to the Ministry of Health, the main routes of transmission of hepatitis B are:

  1. mother-to-child transmission
  2. Contact with blood or body fluids of an infected person
  3. Unsafe sexual contact with an infected person

Therefore, family members (such as parents, siblings, and children) and sexual partners of patients with chronic hepatitis B are at higher risk of hepatitis B infection, while people who inject drugs, men who have sex with men, sex workers and people living with HIV are also at higher risk of hepatitis B infection, etc. a higher risk of infection with hepatitis B and C viruses.

Among them, about 15% to 40% of chronic hepatitis B patients who do not receive treatment will develop life-threatening liver diseases, such as cirrhosis and liver cancer, in the long term.

It’s time for hepatitis to turn into liver cancer

Hepatitis C can cause liver failure, cirrhosis and liver cancer

As forHepatitis C, the Hong Kong Department of Health estimates that around 17,000 people in Hong Kong have hepatitis C. It is a virus that can be spread through blood or body fluids, and any activity involving a Contact with blood or body fluids can pose a risk, such as using not properly sterilized tools to get a tattoo, sharing razors or engaging in physical activities. dangerous sex.

According to Wang Henghai, a specialist in gastroenterology and hepatology in Hong Kong, he once shared with “Sing Tao Toutiao” that chronic hepatitis C and acute hepatitis C have fewer symptoms, or that some cases of hepatitis Acute C only has cold-like symptoms, but they will disappear quickly, so it is very difficult to neglect them easily. However, over time, hepatitis C can lead to liver failure, cirrhosis, and liver cancer.

Symptoms and effects of hepatitis C

12 Foods You Need to Eat to Protect Your Liver and Prevent Hepatitis, Liver Cancer, and Fatty Liver Disease

The liver is the largest “detoxification factory” in the body. If liver function is damaged, it will be difficult to detoxify. Nutritionist Cheng Hanyu once shared aList of liver protective and detoxifying foodsproper consumption of 12 types of foods can help improve the liver’s detoxification ability and eliminate toxins such as pesticides, preservatives and carcinogens.

12 kinds of foods to protect the liver and help detoxification


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