This is a record of the 2024 Eid homecoming, public facilities and transportation are less than optimal – 2024-04-19 01:21:12

Vehicles returning to Jakarta are stuck in traffic at the Cikampek Utama GT(Antara)

ACADEMISSION of the Civil Engineering Study Program at Soegijapranata Catholic University, Djoko Setijowarno, provided a number of notes regarding the 2024 Eid homecoming. These notes relate to the implementation of public facilities and transportation which are considered to be operating less than optimally.

The first thing he highlighted was the improvement of crossings at Merak Harbor. It is known that during the 2024 Eid homecoming flow there will be a long traffic jam from the Tangerang toll road to Merak. The number of travelers crossing via Merak is said to be one of the causes of the traffic jam.

“The addition of free ship routes involving private companies is considered necessary so that there will be no more accumulation of vehicles at the port. By Eid 2024, the number of free ship routes provided will be 20,” said Djoko when contacted, Monday (15/4).

He also regretted that the government did not carry out massive outreach to the public regarding the free boat route. In fact, that is one of the advantages of serving the community.

Djoko also regrets that the government only seems to focus on providing land transportation facilities during the 2024 Eid homecoming season. Even though there are many other means of transportation that are the people’s choice.

“So just focus on land. In fact, if you talk regarding toll roads, land alone, it won’t be finished. This year, many people are choosing public transportation, which means there are improvements, but the government doesn’t see that,” he said.

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“If that is indeed seen, there should be efforts to improve facilities, improve services, don’t just focus on the highway. Because the highway will not be finished anytime soon (the problem),” added Djoko.

The second thing that Djoko noted was the implementation of free homecoming by bus. This also needs to be added with free homecoming from Jakarta to Lampung with destinations in each city/district. There also needs to be free homecoming by bus from Sumatra to Java in anticipation of expensive plane ticket rates.

Third, Djoko encouraged there to be a massive campaign related to the implementation of contraflow on freeway sections.

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This also needs to be followed by stakeholders’ firmness regarding the use of seat belts for all long-distance vehicles, especially those using toll roads.

“There must also be a massive campaign regarding rest times for drivers. Adequate rest areas for drivers need to be provided,” he said.

Apart from that, stakeholders are also deemed to need to provide rest areas for bus drivers at the origin and destination type A terminals, namely the OD terminal.

The parties involved, said the Deputy Chair of Empowerment and Regional Strengthening of the Indonesian Transportation Society (MTI), both the government and transportation facility operators must fix the root of the problem in the sector.

This is the revitalization of rural transportation, urban transportation, intra-provincial intercity transportation (AKDP), to pioneer transportation. “It is also necessary to regulate unofficial public transportation with a transition period giving permission for AKAP buses to stop at the type C terminal,” explained Djoko. (Mir/Z-7)

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