Desire for sun: Always protect children well

It’s like summer in April: another sunny weekend with high temperatures awaits us. Regardless of whether you set up a paddling pool or pool or heat up the grill, girls and boys in particular are at risk of getting too much UV radiation when spending time outdoors.

Sunburn following five minutes

Sun protection is often forgotten – although, according to Primaria Pia Neundlinger, there is a health risk that should not be underestimated, especially for babies and small children: “The skin of babies and small children is still very thin and has little inherent protection, which is why following just five minutes of direct sunlight There is an acute risk of sunburn.”

Around 80 percent of skin damage caused by the sun occurs in the first 18 years of life. Sunburn can cause lasting damage to skin cells, increasing the risk of skin cancer in adulthood. The safest protection is avoiding UV radiation. When in the sun, you should always use a water-resistant sunscreen with a sun protection factor higher than 35 – in the first year of life with a mineral filter. This works immediately; synthetic filters only take effect following 30 minutes.

Children should always wear a hat and sunglasses. “Excessive sun exposure can lead to premature clouding of the lens in children,” warns the head of the children’s and youth department at Rohrbach Hospital. “If a child spends time in the sun, the stay should be kept as short as possible,” says the doctor.


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