Childminders Innviertel under new management

Childminders Innviertel under new management

The childminders represent an important pillar of childcare in the Innviertel. The company Tagesmütter Innviertel will in future be managed by two managing directors. One of them is Tanja Hemedinger, who takes over the pedagogical management. The economic management is still being sought.

After the departure of the previous managing director, Anna Pucher, the company decided to divide the management into these two areas in order to master the challenges in the best possible way.

23 new childminders

The team of childminders in the Innviertel continues to grow: at the beginning of April, 23 graduates of the training course to become professionally qualified childminders or educational assistants at BFI Ried were honored.

Image: Childminders Innviertel


The graduates with course leader Anna Pucher
Image: Childminders Innviertel

They presented impressive specialist work and then received their certificates. The training comprised a total of 110 teaching units, including the first aid course and a children’s emergency course. 40 internship hours had to be completed in kindergartens and with experienced childminders so that practical experience might be gained.

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