The 4 Zodiac signs that get used to the Ghosting tactic in their relationships – 2024-04-18 17:19:15

The 4 Zodiac signs that get used to the Ghosting tactic in their relationships
 – 2024-04-18 17:19:15

The 4 Basic Reasons for Ghosting

The reasons that lead to ghosting from a relationship are several, the most common are the following four:

  • Desire to avoid Conflict
  • The Fear of Commitment
  • The person has a narcissistic personality
  • The person does not want to disappoint, create bad impressions, but also wishes to have an “open” return window!

Let’s see briefly and comprehensively, what is the reason that can lead each sign to disappear from a relationship without warning!

Signs: ARIES:

Aries really don’t do well with commitment and feel suffocated when their partner tries to suppress their independence! He is, however, quite a decent and honest man and is sure to give his signs of a breakup. If he emphasized his need for autonomy many times, you disobeyed him, or didn’t pay attention, then yes, he might disappear at a time when you least expect it.

Signs: TAURUS:

Taurus is a sign that loves commitment and companionship, there are usually no signs of disappearing from a relationship, let alone when that relationship lasts. In the event that a Taurus is led to ghosting by a relationship, it is because he feels that his partner no longer values ​​him, does not respect him and with him he cannot have a stable and calm course!

Signs: GEMINI:

Gemini is the “butterfly” of the zodiac in his sentiments, he has a talent for flirting and works quite playfully in love, but he has a great difficulty with commitment, which he admits! It is a fact that Gemini does not take every relationship that passes through its life very seriously, even if it is carried away by its enthusiasm in big words, which soon turn out to be words of the moment.

So when that initial “spark” wears off and he feels the urge to foreplay, he disappears without explanation, leaving a loophole in case he regrets it a little later, only to come back once more – most of the time he’s completely forgotten.

Signs: CANCER:

Cancer is a person who gets emotionally attached to a relationship and it is not easy for them to break up, let alone disappear without warning!

Such a tactic can be done as a “retaliation” to punish you for not caring for him, taking care of him, not acting emotionally towards him and your relationship. In short, Cancer will disappear, in order to “shake” you emotionally, it will not really mean separation!

Signs: LEO:

In the case of Leo I will talk to you regarding two different cases of the sign! The Leo narcissist, who only wants to confirm his “I” and finds the wrong way to escape from a relationship without warning – in order to seek him out, beg him and be confirmed – and there is one more case in this Zodiac sign …

He’s afraid of rejection and because he “smells” that a relationship is in trouble and doesn’t want to hear the phrase “We’re breaking up” he chooses to run away without any information!

Signs: VIRGO:

Virgo is a sign that is often characterized by logic, analysis and attention to detail. He doesn’t usually disappear without warning, but even if he does, it’s something he’ll regret as an act and give the explanations he needs to later!

What can prompt a Virgo to ghost? The inability to manage or even express his feelings! He usually has a hard time externalizing what he really feels!

Signs: LIBRA:

Libra is one of the signs that might easily ghost out of a relationship and the root cause is one of the signs that avoids conflict and theoretically believes that announcing a breakup is a major reason for a fight to occur! In addition, Libra will disappear because he has already found a new partner, so with ghosting he avoids giving explanations and also taking responsibility for his choices!


In the case of Scorpio, ghosting from a relationship is a form of punishment or even revenge! Was he “guarding” her for something negative that according to him you did to him? Didn’t you follow his rules? Did you make him jealous? Then in order to “smart” you, to manipulate you or to manage to have control, then it can lead to ghosting!


The ambassador of freedom and independence, Sagittarius thirsts for adventure and relationships are a game for him, with him often taking on the role of “gatherer of experiences”!

Sagittarius will ghost out of a relationship, because they consider it very normal to want to feel free once more without giving any explanation whatsoever for it! In addition, he tends to avoid the negative emotions (either experiencing them himself, or causing them) that would logically result from the termination of a relationship.


A Capricorn will be led to ghosting if he cannot easily handle the reason for the breakup, or does not want to give bad rights that will affect his reputation – for example, we are breaking up because I fell in love with a new person!

He usually never disappears without making a mark, but Capricorn can often act punitive, in order to feel that he is more powerful, confirming his “I”! Many times he is unable to see situations from their emotional side!


Aquarius is a man that you can hardly interpret, or predict his reactions! He is one of the signs that comes first on the list of ghosting signs and the main reason is that commitment scares him and the idea of ​​it makes him lose all enthusiasm. But it is not the only reason that will push an Aquarius to such behavior!

Many times this sign wishes in the wrong way to “win” impressions, it is often distinguished by a lack of self-confidence and “running away” from a relationship is a very strong confirmation of its “I” (in a very wrong way of course)! In addition, Aquarius has his own philosophy on relationships, he is reactive and rebellious and in his case it is very true that “Nobody is nobody” therefore he considers that no explanations are needed!

Signs: PISCES:

Pisces is one of the signs that often refuses to admit reality, either to himself or to others around him! He is confused, he is divided, he does not want to be responsible for his words, he does not want to hurt, he is afraid to express his truth!

Ghosting from a relationship is therefore most often done out of cowardice and a refusal to face the harsh reality and accept the responsibility of his choice! Several moments, he is not even sure of the choice he has made, so he wants to be free to go back!

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