New poll shows large voter flight from Solberg to Listhaug

New poll shows large voter flight from Solberg to Listhaug

The new poll Opinion has conducted for The daily newspaper and Free Trade Union Movement shows major changes in the electorate from March to April.

Voters are moving away from the Conservative Party and their leader Erna Solberg. If there had been an election now, the Conservative Party would have ended up with 22.2 percent of the vote. This is a decrease of 4.5 percentage points since the last survey.

– Here there is a slight difference from other measurements. It remains to be seen whether this will hold up over time. But the result is big. At the same time, the FRP is making clear progress. It is more in line with the other surveys, says electoral researcher and research leader at the Institute for Social Research, Johannes Bergh, to FriFagbevegelse.

FRP leader Sylvi Listhaug can rejoice that the party is stealing voters from the Conservative Party. They strengthen to 16.8 per cent, an increase of 3.6 percentage points.

– It is very nice to have good measurements. The measurements will certainly vary in the future, but we must in any case stand up for people’s freedom and safety, says Sylvi Listhaug in a comment to FriFagbevegelse.

The governing parties do not gain much in total from Høyre’s fall. The Labor Party goes up 2.5 percentage points to 19.3 percent. The Center Party, on the other hand, falls to 6 percent, a decrease of 1.8 percentage points.

For the other parties, the measurement looks like this (change from the March measurement in brackets): Red 5.9 (+0.1), SV 10.9 (+0.7), MDG 2.8 (-1.8), KrF 3 (-1.2), V 7.3 (+1.7) and others 5.8 (+0.5). In the second category is INP, which alone would receive 2.7 per cent.

1,000 people were interviewed in the survey, of which 735 people gave answers regarding party preference. The margin of error varies from 3.0 per cent to 1.2 per cent depending on the size of the turnout. The survey was carried out in the period 9–15 April.

#poll #shows #large #voter #flight #Solberg #Listhaug
2024-04-18 13:02:36



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