Discover the Healing Powers of Bitter Melon in Saint Catherine, Egypt: Natural Remedies for Diabetes, Weight Loss, and More

2024-04-18 05:00:00

The Egyptian city of Saint Catherine is full of many natural herbs, which are used to treat diseases, including bitter melon, which is considered one of the most important plants that grow naturally and are used for medicinal purposes.

bitter melon has been known since the era of the ancient Egyptians, and drawings of bitter melon were found on the walls of the Karnak Temple located in the city of Luxor. It contains substances with a bitter taste, so diabetics use it, because the bitter elements are equivalent to the percentage of diabetes.

In a miracle that astonished modern medical scientists, Chinese researchers revealed a neglected natural plant that has an amazing ability to lower blood sugar levels, which represents hope for diabetics.

An international team of researchers said that substances extracted from the bitter melon plant, which is eaten and used medicinally in many parts of Asia, might provide the basis for new drugs to treat diabetes and obesity.

Dr. Moon Jia Tan from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai and his colleagues noted in the journal Chemistry and Biology that it has become clear that the vegetable plant, also known as balsam pear, reduces blood sugar in studies conducted on animals and humans.

They added that there is a need for alternatives to current diabetes drugs due to their side effects and limited effectiveness.

In this study, Tan and his colleagues extracted and described several compounds from bitter melon called cucurbitane triterpenoids and tested their effects on blood sugar and fat metabolism in human cells and mice.

When they tested them in muscle and fat cells, the researchers found that the compounds stimulated blood sugar receptors (GLUT4) to move from inside the cell to the cell surface, which contributes to achieving more effective blood sugar metabolism. Effects similar to those found in insulin were found in a few compounds tested.

Tests conducted on two of the compounds in mice showed that they contributed to lowering blood sugar and burning fat, and one of them was particularly effective in lowering blood sugar in animals that consumed a high-fat diet.

The researchers indicated that there may be up to 70 types of active compounds in the bitter melon plant. They concluded, “The current study provides an important basis for further analysis of the relationship related to the active structure to achieve the best exploitation of the bitter melon plant in the treatment of insulin resistance and obesity.”

The bitter melon plant is also used for weight loss because it burns body fat and reduces weight as quickly as possible. It is also used as a pain reliever for toothaches, a treatment for snake bites, and it is considered the most useful medicine for scorpion bites.

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