April Weather Update: Cold Snap and Rain in Belgium – What to Expect and How to Prepare

2024-04-17 19:12:00

But here we are faced with a “typical flow changeover for the month of April”, he continues. “In April, we still have cold air flows at altitude which can turn everything upside down. This Tuesday, we still observed 7 centimeters of snow in the Hautes Fagnes with this maritime polar air which crossed Belgium. Everything has already melted, but there is still a risk in the coming days.

In Belgium, the weather will shift to a polar air flow: “We cannot exclude a few showers, sleet, rain or slush”

It is therefore not abnormal to see such phenomena in April in Belgium, but it is rather the duration of this cold snap which will hurt morale. “Good weather and mild weather will be for the month of Mayregrets Pascal Mormal. After a cold week in January, we are coming out of three months with temperatures above seasonal averages, and we are going to attack ten to fifteen days below normal. We are going to keep the influence of this polar air and we are not going to go above 10 to 12 degrees for the end of the month. We can’t rule out a little bit of frost either. Certainly in the Ardennes, but perhaps also in middle and lower Belgium.

In terms of precipitation, the weather will remain variable, with heavy showers expected almost every day. “Thursday, Saturday and Sunday should be cool, but pleasant days. For the rest, we have already reached 49 mm of water in Uccle since the beginning of April, which is already above the average (47.9 mm). If we take into account current forecasts by the end of the month, we might approach 80 mm…

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You will therefore have to wait before bringing out your barbecue and garden furniture. What regarding gardening? It’s best to wait to plant flowers or geraniums, as even a light frost might kill them. Fruit trees might also suffer from the weather in the coming days, as they flowered early this year.

And then ? “From May onwards, the models are still predicting temperatures above normal, by around 0.5 to 1 degree. On the other hand, a particularly dry summer is moving away. We expect precipitation around normal, but we must therefore fear thunderstormswarns Pascal Mormal. It will be 7 consecutive months that we have been entitled to above-average precipitation. Generally, a rainy spring reduces the risk of drought in summer thanks to the evapotranspiration of plants and trees. But be careful, this is not always true. Spring 2019 was quite rainy, but we did not escape record temperatures the following summer.

#long #polar #air #affect #Belgian #weather #Pascal #Mormals #explanations



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