The Italian military leaders raise the alarm: the challenges to Europe’s security, not least those represented by the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the escalation between Israel and Iran in the last few hours, place the EU faced with the need to put one in place defence Truly europea. And to do it in a short time. We are already late: the accentuated instability at a global level is a dramatic reality. But Europe, which has the final say in political choices, does not move, does not decide.
The opportunity to convey this message to politics was provided by conference on the common European defense organized by the Italy Foundation, protagonist of the senator and group leader of Forza Italia in the Senate Maurizio Gasparri entitled: «European defense, our future». The meeting, which took place in the Kock Room of Palazzo Madama on Monday 15 April (with a welcome from the President of the Senate Ignazio La Russa), was attended by the very first lines of the Italian armed forces: Admiral Giuseppe Berutti Bergotto, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Navy; the general Teo Luzi, General Commander of the Carabinieri; the general Carmine Masiello, Chief of Staff of the Army; the general Francesco Paolo FigliuoloOperational Commander of Joint Forces Summit, General Luca GorettiChief of Staff of the Air Force and admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone , Chief of Defense Staff. The threat is real, and present. “A new Iron Curtain is descending on Europe,” said Berutti Bergotto.
Son: «At a European level we have been debating common security for seven decades…”
The speech by General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, Operational Commander of the Joint Forces Summit, started from a premise: «At a European level we have been discussing common security for seven decades – he recalled -. The EU has become a large economic entity. Economic integration should have brought with it political integration, starting with the issues that most directly concern national interests. Defense is among them.” None of this happened. Also because «a European defense requires common strategic objectives. European defense also means sharing the economic budget and industrial know-how. Even if – added Figliuolo – we need to be in line with the times: economic resources are not enough to have the capabilities; capabilities are realized over time. Employment procedures and human resources must be prepared.” Hence the conclusion of the reasoning. Figliuolo uses a phrase by Luigi Einaudi: today “the problem is between existing united or disappearing”.
Luzi: «Without a European foreign policy there cannot be a common defense policy»
“I ask myself: what is the EU’s policy on foreign issues?” asked General Teo Luzi, Commander General of the Carabinieri. “There is no common European policy, and without a common foreign policy there cannot be a European defense policy.” Luzi placed the emphasis on procurement: «Today – he said – 89% of armaments are produced by the individual State, for itself. The figure of a European Commissioner for Defense is certainly a step forward, but not a decisive one.” To underline how European choices often remain hanging by a thread, Luzi gave the example of the “European Gendarmerie”: for 18 years – he explained – there has been a European command in Vicenza ready to be used: it is a common house of seven military police. It can operate in low-intensity missions abroad.” The request comes from international organizations (EU, NATO, United Nations, OSCE), subject to the approval of the interested States. In addition to the Carabinieri, this team includes the French National Gendarmerie, the Spanish Civil Guard, the Portuguese National Republican Guard, the Dutch Marecausussèe and the Romanian Jandarmerie. “Well – Luzi recalled -: in 18 years this solution has never been activated…”.
Cavo Dragone: «The EU must demonstrate cohesion and unity of purpose»
«I agree with the need to gradually develop European military capabilities, employable under European aegis, complementary to NATO, capable of being effectively used where the interests of the Community require their intervention», underlined Cavo Dragone in his speech. «Peace and stability at the international level has a global scope, and Europe must necessarily play a key role in this context», he added. Among the aspects on which Cavo Dragone has placed emphasis, there is also «the arc of instability that threatens energy supplies. If a void is left, Russia and China are ready to fill it. Our commitment to international stability is destined to increase.” This is why «European capabilities complementary to NATO must be developed. To deal with threats, ready, adequately trained armed forces are needed. We need to share our resources – he continued -. We need an ad hoc Commissioner for European defence, who deals with the matter exclusively.” «This is a complex process, extended over time – underlined the Chief of Defense Staff -. The EU must demonstrate cohesion and unity of purpose.”
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2024-04-17 15:08:35