This April 16, new round of migration talks between Cuba and the United States 2024-04-16 20:47:34

This Tuesday, April 16, Cuba and the United States will hold talks on immigration issues. This time, both sides will meet in Washington DC, said the half Strong coffee.

The meeting will take place in the midst of certain recent tensions related to the protests of March 17, especially in Santiago de Cuba.

The Island blames the American government for promoting such actions to destabilize the system that prevails on the Island.

Meanwhile, an issue that should not be missing from the dialogue table is the growing number of migrants trying to cross the border from Mexico.

Obviously, among the objectives will be to guarantee safe, orderly, humane and regular migration from Cuba.

This will be the first meeting of this type between both parties during the current year 2024. In addition, it will be the fifth since Joe Biden is the tenant of the White House.

On average, bilateral migration talks are held twice each year.

Migratory wave

In November 2023, both nations sat down at the table to discuss bilateral Migration Agreements.

All of this in the midst of the escalation of immigrants from the Island who arrive every day at the southern border of the United States.

The aforementioned media reports that the “US representation arrives at this meeting with a list of fulfilled commitments.

Since the gradual reopening of the consular services of its embassy in Havana in 2022, the United States has granted more than 70,000 immigrant visas to Cuban nationals.

Thus, the annual figures foreseen in the migration agreements of 1994 and 1995 were exceeded.”

On the other hand, Cuba continues to demand, among other vital issues, the elimination of the American embargo.

The island’s government points to the White House as responsible for the current crisis. Right now, Cuba is experiencing one of its worst stages in its history in every possible sense.

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