The first words of the killer of Sunday 2024-04-16 19:25:39

The 39-year-old was transferred to the psychiatric ward of Korydallos prisons, in a specially designed room, in which there is a camera for his continuous surveillance.

The 39-year-old spoke to psychiatrists in Korydallos and reportedly claimed that he does not know regarding the crime he committed outside of the Aghii Anargyri department, while he said in the present tense that he loves the woman he killed.

“I don’t remember,” he reportedly answered questions regarding the crime, according to Mega, while he reportedly added that “I still love Sunday.”

A guard walking slowly to the scene of the crime. An eyewitness alerting the police with his hand in his pocket. A Greek police officer coming down with her cell phone in her hand. And an obviously upset dog barking. He tries to show the bystanders that a murder is taking place here.

-Friend of 28-year-old woman: He’s killing her! Hey! Piastona killed her.

-Friend of 28-year-old woman: He killed her!

This sensational LIVE NEWS audio documentary comes to life. The new video documents unfortunately confirm the barrage of mistakes, the infuriating painlessness but also the tragic finding that the 28-year-old Sunday was completely alone and helpless in front of a police station among dozens of police officers and patrol cars.

Saints Anargyri: The chronicle

It’s a little following 10, April Fool’s night. Sunday walks out of the duty officer’s office. He spoke to her like a woman to a woman, regarding the torture he was living, the danger he sensed and all he asked for was a patrol car to take her home.

“He explained to me that he had filed a lawsuit once morest him in the past, but withdrew it. We asked her if she wants to file a lawsuit today but she didn’t want to. She told us that all she wanted was for a patrol car to take her home. We explained to her that there was no patrol car available at that time,” described an officer on duty.

Disappointed, the 28-year-old leaves the police station. The friend who accompanies her follows from behind. He calls the police outside the police station and suddenly sees the police car. Really, how might Sunday have felt seeing this parked patrol car outside the department?

“My wife reported that she was afraid of a person and I referred them to the duty officer at the police station to be apprehended. After regarding ten minutes they both got down, greeted me and left,” said the police station guard.

The two friends greet the guard and walk a few meters further. The dog sleeps peacefully outside the guard post as Sunday tries to explain to the trained emergency operator that he is in danger.

-Direct Action Announcer: Direct Action position 12.
-Victim: Yes, good evening.
-Live Action Announcer: Hello.
-Victim: I am in the Agioi Anargyri department.

It’s the conversation in question, first revealed by Live News, that culminates in the infamous “police car is not a taxi” line. The 28-year-old insists and calmly tries to convince him that her life is really threatened.

-Live Action Announcer: What is he doing? Waits. For what reason;
-Victim: He is waiting for me… To take revenge on me, I don’t know, to hit me and yesterday he had come and we didn’t take it that long.

They stand short in front of the motorbikes. Sunday sees his ex’s headlights and makes a last-ditch effort to explain to the operator what’s going on.

It is the last word of the undead Sunday before receiving 4 back stabs and one in the heart. The girl’s screams are chilling but the guard who is two meters from the scene claimed that he did not understand what had happened. “I heard the man accompanying her say: ‘He’s pushing her,'” he said.

-Friend of 28-year-old woman: He’s killing her! Hey…

“I immediately got out of the lookout, I mightn’t see his hands at all. Only when he moved a little away from the woman, I realized that he was holding a large knife, pulling it from her back, the woman fell on her face and blood was coming out of her mouth and body,” described the police guard department.

He didn’t see, he didn’t notice, he didn’t catch on, but he can’t say that he didn’t hear the screams of the girl who was being stabbed. The guard in the new video document can be seen walking out of the guardhouse with a steady and slow pace. He takes 4 steps and stops short. Bewildered, he approaches but stands in front of the victim and the assailant who stabs her relentlessly.
The only one who finally reacted was the dog.

-Friend of 28-year-old woman: He killed her! Ambulance quickly.
-Live Action Announcer: Can you hear me?
– 28-year-old friend: Guys!

It is incredible that the guard, even belatedly, never used his weapon even for intimidation. Three men, the guard, the eyewitness, and the operator witness the horrific crime. They watched in bewilderment as the 39-year-old completed his heinous act. The dog barks and upsets them.

-Guard A.T. : He stabbed the girl!
-Live Action Announcer: Can you hear me?
– 28-year-old friend: Hurry! Ambulance quickly.

The friend of the 28-year-old screams and calls for help. Then clearly embarrassed with his hand in his pocket, he goes up to the department to give an update. A few minutes later, the police officers and the duty officer come down with the mobile phone in hand.

-Service Officer: We have also notified an ambulance.
-Supervisor: The lady came and asked for a patrol car.
-Officer on duty: Let’s go a little, go a little guys, go, go a little, go a little.
-Guard: Go back.
-Officer on duty: The girl came to report to us that she is being followed.

The next time the officer saw the girl she had been talking to was here. The 28-year-old in a pool of blood and dozens of police officers on top of her. Cops who doubled over within seconds of the murder.

The 4 police officers became 24. And the 4 patrol cars, while the only thing that the deceased Sunday was asking for that fateful night was for this service vehicle that was parked outside to take her safely home.

Analysis of the new video-document

The new Live News video is shortly following 10:20 p.m. and shows Sunday leaving the police station with her boyfriend who accompanied her there. The 28-year-old at the time seems to be talking on the phone already with Immediate Action.

This particular video is considered very critical, as the reactions of the police station guard can also be seen.

Myrto Samaras-Oikonomou, appointed technical advisor from Kyriaki’s family commented on the video document saying “the non-reaction of the staff is impressive”.

Ms. Economou then stated that among her next moves is her intention to examine the 39-year-old perpetrator herself and obtain full knowledge of his background.

EL.AS response to the video-document

The EL.AS headquarters announced. for the video in question and in publications regarding its alteration where it states, among other things:

“It is clarified that the Greek Police handed over from the first moment to the competent prosecuting authorities all the audio-visual and other pre-investigative material that was collected […] The specific video material comes from a camera with motion detection, that is, from a camera that does not record continuously, but only when there is movement in its field of view.”

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#words #killer #Sunday



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