The guard station in Hengasch is threatened with closure. And that despite the fact that in the Eifel village one crime follows the next! A robbery in the pub, a forest fire – and two letter bombs. However, the latter are no more due to the hastily convened “Fear and Terror” working group than a dead person in the bathtub. The following applies: there is a bomb scare throughout the village.
“Murder with a View” offers 13 new episodes of the ARD crime series for a slightly shallow evening on TV. Katharina Wackernagel vehemently portrays the Cologne Commissioner Gabler, who is stranded in the countryside and is denied the favor of the village community. How team building works? Explosive, with three inspectors defusing a bomb in an open field.
The parody of the province is as charmingly played as it is exaggerated. The wordplay reaches Hengasch heights in the form of the efficiency tester “Hartwigsen – with G”. A 45-minute breather between news stories.
Karin Schütze
Culture editor

Karin Schütze

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