Iran’s attack on Israel was successful or failed, on whose cues is America following? – World

Afzal Raza, bureau chief of the Iranian news agency “Islamic Republic News Agency” (IRNA) in Pakistan, says that following October 7, Israel has been continuously trying to somehow involve Iran in the Gaza war. He acted in self-defense.

Apart from Afzal Raza, Pakistan-based Arab journalist Abdul Rahman Matar also participated in Aaj News program “Aaj Exclusive”.

Speaking in the program, Abdul Rahman Matar said that Israel has carried out several attacks once morest Iran in the past few years, in which generals, high-ranking officers, scientists and installations were targeted.

In response to a question, Afzal Raza said that Iran’s counter-attack must have convinced Israel that if it took any action once morest Iran now, Iran would be in a position to target it directly from its own land.

Arab journalist Abdul Rahman Matar said that the coalition that Netanyahu wanted to build once morest Iran since 2015 was successful in yesterday’s attack, France, America and Great Britain supported Israel in stopping the attack.