Clash between Iran and Israel, from Lebanon to the Persian Gulf, here’s where the Italian military is

Already in the hours following Iran’s attack on Israel, Foreign Affairs Minister Antonio Tajani underlined that Italy is working to avoid an escalation of the conflict. «There is a high concentration of military forces» in the area between Middle East and the Red Sea recalled the head of the Farnesina. «Italy is not involved in attack operations with the Navy but we are certainly following the situation with great attention and I am in constant contact with the Minister of Defense and of course with the Prime Minister», explained Tajani.

Figliuolo’s instructions during the hearing

On the occasion of a hearing held last week before the Foreign and Defense commissions of the House and Senate, the commander of Covi (Top Joint Operational Command), General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, provided important indications on the presence of the Italian military in those crisis areas. «In this context characterized by a situation of widespread instability – said Figliuolo -, the recent crisis in the Middle East with the conflict that broke out following the Hamas attack in southern Israel on 7 October 2023 and its subsequent spread in the Red Sea, they have also exacerbated the risk of polarization of the international community and confirmed once again how the effects, even in less close strategic quadrants, can generate consequences that directly affect Italy, even in different sectors, not least the economic and commercial one”.

Lebanon: Unifil and Mibil missions

If this is the scenario, the next step for the Covi manager was to descend into the detail of the individual missions. For what concern Eastern Mediterranean, Figliuolo underlined that «the significant commitment of our armed forces continues for the stabilization and development of Lebanon, where we participate with a contingent of more than 1100 units, 400 land vehicles, 1 naval unit if requested by the UN as part of the German-led Maritime Task Force and 7 air assets as part of the UNIFIL Mission and the bilateral training mission of the Lebanese Armed Forces called MIBIL”. «The situation remains tense, even after yesterday – said Unifil spokesperson, Andrea Tenenti -. We remain operational and continue to patrol the Blue Line and the area in southern Lebanon.”

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Crosetto: Italian soldiers in Lebanon not targets but risks

Speaking at a hearing before the joint Foreign Affairs and Defense commissions of the Senate and the Chamber, Defense Minister Guido Crosetto recognized that after Iran’s attack on Israel «the risks of potential collateral damage in relation to the Red Sea and, above all, to Lebanon; Indeed, having established that our soldiers are not deliberate targets, the risk of their involvement, even if unintentional, in the exchange of fire between the parties remains”.

Assistance to the population in the context of the conflict between Israel and Hamas

Then there is a commitment by the Italian military to support the civilian population affected by the clash between Israel and Hamas. In this case the reference operation is “ Levante ”: through a strengthening of the presence in the Eastern Mediterranean, it provides for the use of a military device for humanitarian interventions in favor of the Palestinian population of the Gaza Strip, as well as support for any evacuation operations of compatriots.

#Clash #Iran #Israel #Lebanon #Persian #Gulf #heres #Italian #military
2024-04-16 01:27:34

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