Strawberries: The Hydrating and Appetite Suppressant Fruit for Weight Loss

2024-04-15 18:00:09

“A hydrating food with an appetite suppressant effect” according to this dietitian.

Fruits must be an integral part of our diet because they are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, and because their favorable effect on health has been demonstrated more than once. In France, the recommendation is to consume at least 5 fruits and vegetables per day, for example 3 servings of vegetables and 2 fruits. One of them, which we love and which is present on our market stalls from April to July, is particularly interesting when you want to lose a little weight.

This spring and early summer fruit is rich in insoluble fibers which have the particularity of boosting sluggish transits and relieving bloating, but also in soluble fibers which have the power to absorb abdominal fat. In addition, it is a fruit with a low caloric density and an “appetite suppressant” effect. “A snack low in calories (33 calories for a 100g portion) and sugars, these fruits are rich in water: they are hydrating foods that can increase the feeling of satiety and avoid overeating at meals or snacking.” confirms Lisa Richard, dietician-nutritionist at The Candida Diet (site specializing in anti-candidiasis diet), to the American media SheFinds. Finally, these fruits consist of simple carbohydrates, which the body uses as a quick source of fuel for energy and mental balance.

Drum roll: these miracle fruits with the “flat stomach” effect are therefore strawberries.and incorporate them in our diet can allow us to achieve a waistline goal while enjoying the sweets that Nature offers us“, continues the nutrition expert. Strawberries are also ideal during changes in season or temperature because they are very rich in vitamin C (60 mg per 100 g) and antioxidants, which help strengthen the immune system. You can therefore consume them on a daily basis, provided of course that you consume them without added sugars and without Chantilly cream. However, the ideal is to vary your fruits as much as possible in order to cover all of your nutritional needs. Be careful, however: strawberries. imported from Spain might be richer in pesticides not authorized in France, such as tolylfluanid or endosulfan. We therefore prefer organic French strawberries (Gariguette, Ciflorette or even Charlotte).

#spring #fruit #reducing #belly #fat



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