Switzerland’s Humanitarian Aid Efforts in Sudan

2024-04-15 15:00:37

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs

Bern, 04.15.2024 – During the international donor conference organized in Paris on April 15, 2024, Switzerland made 19 million francs available to mitigate the humanitarian consequences of the conflict in Sudan. As a result of the year-long war, the country is suffering one of the worst humanitarian disasters of our time. More than 8.6 million people have had to leave their homes. The country is threatened by large-scale famine. Since the start of the crisis, Switzerland has been committed at different levels to putting an end to the conflict and improving the situation on the ground.

On April 15, 2024, precisely one year following the start of the war in Sudan, an international donor conference was held in Paris. Led by France, Germany and the European Union, the conference aimed to mobilize resources to finance the humanitarian aid that the populations affected in Sudan and neighboring countries sorely need. As part of the conference, Switzerland made 19 million francs available for the year 2024 to support people suffering from the consequences of the conflict. Simultaneously, the sixty participating countries called on the parties to the conflict to guarantee safe and unhindered humanitarian access throughout the country. “Today more than ever, this region needs our solidarity,” declared Ambassador Nicolas Randin, vice director and head of the SDC’s sub-Saharan Africa division, who represented Switzerland in Paris.

The war raging between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces militias has caused a considerable deterioration in the security and humanitarian situation of the populations in Sudan. More than 8.6 million people, including 4 million children, have had to leave their homes to date. Two million people have fled to neighboring countries, including Chad, South Sudan and Egypt.

According to UN information, of Sudan’s 49 million inhabitants, 25 million will need humanitarian aid in 2024. Already today, almost 18 million people are suffering from acute famine.

Also at the multilateral level, Switzerland is committed to peace, the protection of civilians, the improvement of the humanitarian situation and a political solution to the conflict. As a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, on March 7, 2024, it supported a resolution demanding an immediate cessation of hostilities and respect for international humanitarian law. In addition, on the ground, Switzerland is also present by offering its good offices. Thanks to the instruments of peace diplomacy and its special envoy for the Horn of Africa, it works in particular to create opportunities for inclusive dialogue in favor of a political solution to the conflict.

Although Sudan’s neighboring countries face major humanitarian challenges themselves, they host large numbers of refugees. Faced with this situation, the SDC increased its humanitarian aid to Sudan and neighboring countries last year. The SDC’s range of support measures regarding the Sudanese crisis includes financial contributions and the provision of experts from the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Corps (CSA) to multilateral partner organizations such as the United Nations Development Program. Development (UNDP) or the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), which operate in Sudan and neighboring countries. Contributions to the World Food Program (WFP), the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) are in addition to these measures. In total, Switzerland has allocated 83 million francs to humanitarian aid since the start of the war, of which around a third was devoted to Sudan and two thirds to neighboring countries.

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Federal Department of Foreign Affairs

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