How to automatically activate Exercise focus when starting a physical activity

How to automatically activate Exercise focus when starting a physical activity

2024-04-15 11:00:00

To prevent you from getting distracted while exercising, Apple provides focus Exercise.

With it, you can choose which people or which applications you want to be notified of during practices. It is also possible, like any other focus, to customize the iPhone’s Lock and Home screen, as well as the Apple Watch face.

To make this experience even better, it is possible to activate an adjustment that automatically turns on this focus when starting a physical activity. See how to do it! 🏃

On iPhone, open Settings and tap “Focus”. Then, select “Exercise” or, if you have not yet added focus, go to the “+” (in the top right corner) and choose “Exercise”.

Then, in the “Set Times” section, choose “Exercise” and activate the option “Activate Automatically”.

Ready! The next time you start an exercise on your Apple Watch, the Exercise focus will be automatically activated so that you are no longer interrupted for nothing.

Obviously, this can all be configured in the focus settings itself (you can, for example, choose to receive notifications and calls from important people/apps). 😉

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