SEB study: energy efficiency is already more important to residents than the location of the home | Business

“Tens of thousands of households have installed solar power plants in recent years. From our statistics, we notice that we provide more and more consumer loans for the installation of heat pumps.

These are just a couple of examples of how residents are working to improve the energy efficiency of their homes while also making sustainability changes. Less energy used to heat the home means less CO2 emissions,” says Eglė Dovbyšienė, head of SEB bank’s Retail Banking Department.

Personal archive photo/Eglė Dovbyšienė

According to her, according to research data, residents currently consider energy efficiency as the most important criterion for their own housing, more important than the location of the housing in a specific district or a green, orderly environment.

Greenery is more important than a convenient location

A green, orderly environment ranked second among the most important criteria. It was indicated by 44 percent. of all respondents. The importance of the place of residence was singled out by 41 percent. respondents, so this aspect remained third.

Other criteria for owning a home relevant to residents – the ability to easily reach shops and shopping centers and free parking near the house – received slightly fewer votes – 39 and 34 percent, respectively.

According to the survey, women (47%) cared more about green spaces than men (40%). Also, women emphasized the need for public infrastructure more than men in their answers – they attached greater importance to the proximity of the public transport network, the possibility of easy access to schools and kindergartens.

They care, but one third do not think to invest

Although every second considers the energy efficiency of the home as the most important criterion, a third of the population admits that they have never thought about additional investments in this or alternative energy sources – solar, wind, geothermal energy.

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It is true that the heating bills would be lower, investing up to 5%. 17 percent of housing prices would agree. of those interviewed, up to 10 percent. – 21 percent of those interviewed.

Every fifth respondent (19%) answered that they would agree to pay up to 10% extra for the opportunity to use renewable resources. housing prices. The same number of individuals said that they could invest up to 5 percent.

The decision to additionally invest in sustainable energy solutions was supported the most by people who indicated that they live in their own home, for which they received a loan and are currently repaying it.

In March of this year, the research company “Norstat” conducted the survey on behalf of SEB Bank. 1,000 people aged 18 to 74 participated in it.

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2024-04-15 09:50:33

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