another “masterpiece” of the left –

another “masterpiece” of the left –

A fact that is not surprising, and which demonstrates once once more that certain battles waged by the left in the name of never being too politically correct go once morest the common sense of Italians. Like the case of Pioltello. Well, 62% of Italians on social networks express a sentiment once morest the closure of schools and universities for the end of Ramadan. The data emerges from research conducted exclusively for Adnkronos by Vis Factor through Human, a web and social listening platform created entirely with an Italian semantic-based algorithm by a team of Italian developers.

Celebrate Ramadan at home: Pioltello, Feltri thunders regarding school closure

“It is a significant negative sentiment, which is associated with these main emotions: amazement 24%, anger 20%, irony 12%”, it is explained. The main arguments of those once morest the closure concern the extraneousness of Italian traditions, on a religious and cultural level, with Ramadan. Those who are in favor, however, talk regarding inclusiveness, acceptance and rights. And to think that MP Aboubakar Soumahoro has proposed making it a national holiday.

They are women* in cages*: Muslims pray and segregate them inside an enclosure

Meanwhile, the photos, also published by , of Islamic prayer in Piazzale dei Mirti, in the Roman district of Centocelle, are causing discussion. They show women, veiled, physically separated from men and “locked up” in enclosures made of dark fabrics. “The photos that are currently circulating of the prayers that accompanied the end of Ramadan in Rome are truly worrying – declares the senator of the Fratelli d’Italia, Ester Mieli, head of the Equal Opportunities Department – On the one hand, men of the Islamic religion gathered in prayer, on the other the women on the sidelines and locked inside fences. A real punch in the stomach, images that hurt, that offend the values ​​of our Constitution and that tell of discrimination once morest women even more striking is the silence of the left, of those feminists in permanent service who have not uttered any words of condemnation for these scenes which should outrage anyone”.

#masterpiece #left #Tempo
2024-04-15 01:53:37

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