Tamsweg Emergency Services: SAMSON 2024 Exercise Highlights Importance of Crisis Management

2024-04-14 19:04:49

The large-scale exercise “SAMSON 2024” took place in the Tamsweg area, in which around 350 emergency services were confronted with a demanding scenario. A serious train accident, accompanied by other fictional scenarios, presented the emergency services with a major challenge. The Red Cross Salzburg and various emergency organizations drew a positive conclusion following the exercise was completed and emphasized the importance of such exercises for crisis management.

TAMSWAY. The large-scale exercise “SAMSON 2024” in the Tamsweg area was an important test for the emergency services of various organizations. Confronted with a challenging scenario that included a serious train accident, an avalanche and a plane crash, the numerous emergency services were put to the test. The exercise, which was organized by various emergency organizations and the Salzburg Red Cross, aimed to train coordination and cooperation in crisis situations.

Until the hospital

When the serious train accident was assumed, the “patients” were rescued from the scene of the accident and taken to Tamsweg Hospital, which was also involved in the exercise, to receive treatment. In addition, an “affected information center” for relatives was set up and practiced in the emergency services home.

Units involved

In addition to the Salzburg Red Cross, the Tamsweg district administration, the Tamsweg regional clinic, several volunteer fire departments, the Lungau district police command, water rescue and mountain rescue were also involved in the exercise. They were supported by Red Cross units from Styria, Tyrol and Bavaria and by the Steiermärkische Landesbahnen, which also operated their alarm system. The exercise aimed to train coordination and cooperation in crisis situations.

Positive conclusion from the emergency organizations

The emergency organizations involved drew a positive conclusion following the exercise was completed. The trained processes in both real and fictional scenarios were rated as successful and important insights were gained.

Cooperation between the emergency services

In addition to the Salzburg Red Cross, numerous other organizations took part in the “SAMSON 2024” exercise. According to the releases from the Red Cross and the State of Salzburg, the close cooperation between the emergency services and the successful management of the demanding scenarios once once more underline the high level of commitment and professionalism of the actors involved.

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