“Zesta’s refereeing changed the result” – 2024-04-14 19:26:57

A direct “attack” once morest the referee Zesta was made by the management of Panegialeio, which issued an announcement regarding the refereeing on the occasion of today’s game.

The announcement reads: “Unfortunately once once more and for one more game of ours, the referee Michael Zestas of the Piraeus association and his company from the association, with his refereeing, altered the final result. It is unthinkable that we have complained regarding this particular referee, that he remains unpunished, that he is still on the referee’s boards and, worst of all, that he referees our team’s matches with an orderly mission.

We love Paneiyalios, we love football and we are trying in competitive contexts to create a team worthy of its history and good luck.

Unfortunately with such referees, who are literally stalking our team, we feel disappointed and we do not know if it makes sense to compete within these frameworks in the field of football, as it has been shaped in the 3rd national team and specifically in our group.

The specific referee should have been removed from the relevant tables as of “yesterday”. Because we knew what was going to happen in the game once morest Panargeiakos, before the game was played, we videotaped the match and will send the related video to UEFA and FIFA to express our anguish and despair. It will also be at the disposal of every jurisdiction in order to do the self-evident and which it has not done for so long.

You should not put this referee on the boards once more, if you really love Greek football, want to protect it and care regarding its welfare. Anyone who sees today’s video, except for those who have lived through it, will understand that this particular referee – Michael Zestas of the Piraeus association – is the most dangerous referee in the national categories. We hope and wish that following these arbitrations of his, which are a challenge, he will not be “rewarded” with a rise in the arbitration tables…”.

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#Zestas #refereeing #changed #result



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