This Saturday, April 13: is a day when many will understand that the game of love is unpredictable, that there are no “shoulds” and that nothing can be taken for granted…this is also the salt and pepper in love, that it can surprise you, the moment you don’t you expect it
The Tower card shows us that there will be no shortage of sudden news, unexpected meetings and fateful changes, which, although they will not be based on solid foundations, will nevertheless offer very strong emotions. But there are also some risks for this Saturday … quite a few will suddenly want to overturn the climate that exists in their romantic life and will put an end to a love affair because they feel pressure but also several because they have already found a new exciting love that they’ve lost their minds.
But remember… the separations that will take place this Saturday, will cause, will surprise, will be like a lightning bolt that suddenly broke out and destroyed everything in its path… however, these separation decisions will not be based on mature thinking, they will they are impulsive, they will be revised, but it will be very difficult to restore them followingwards.
The zodiac signs that will have a good time emotionally on Saturday are: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius,
Aries and Libra should be more careful and restrained.
On Sunday April 14: the Star card representing our day reveals that love is the spring that beautifies our life.
Luck is more generous for most representatives of the zodiac, who on this day will manage to have a good time, renew themselves and escape from the problems that burdened them the past week. Even those who are going through a period of separation, distance or simply have not yet found their other half, will succeed on this day in rejuvenating themselves and finding once more self-confidence, dynamism and the hope that more and more something new will come for them in the horizon! Regardless of your sign or emotional state, this day might bring love back into our lives…
So in summary, in the days that follow, we can all enjoy very beautiful and powerful moments near those we love, as long as we remember some moments that words can be very easily forgotten, but actions are the ones that leave indelible marks on the heart…
The following signs will have sudden pleasant surprises: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces.
Tauruses, Cancers, Virgos, Scorpios and Aquarius should be particularly careful and calm.
Zodiac signs on Friday, April 12
How will your day be? What do the signs predict?
Luck is on your side. You will seize the opportunities presented to you, but be careful not to
exaggerate and do not become arrogant and conceited.
Guard your personal boundaries in the relationship, or you will pay dearly for your mistakes. You may experience a difficult and unwanted separation.
Accuracy in the written word, fluency and comprehensiveness in the spoken word will be your trump cards, in order to close the most profitable and beneficial deals.
Alarm bells are ringing for your relationships. You will find it literally impossible to distance yourself from the emotional identification with your partner, and this stresses them beyond imagination. Land yourself.
Organizational, with a method and a program, you will settle your cases, while the bureaucratic ones are settled immediately, easily and quickly. Luck is on your side, trust it.
Your personal magnetism, combined with the timbre of your voice, will bring you face to face with success. Today you will meet people you haven’t seen in a long time.
Obsessive ideas haunt you and drain your practicality and energy into underground and
ulterior motives. Since you are regarding to be “revealed”, be very careful regarding your underground activities.
Speed in thinking, in movements, but also determination and dynamism are your weapons to achieve maximum success in your pursuits.
Focused on your professional goals, you have no time for feelings and loves. Nevertheless, you will be communicatively comfortable and opportune to exchange love messages and words of love.
You will settle backlogs and finish with cases that are running out of time. You will utilize an old item for profit, maybe even sell your old means of transport to get a new one.
Tired psychologically, perhaps even physically, you are unable to clear things up with your relationships and partnerships. And so, there will be a serious delay in your plans.
You are regarding to start eating healthier. You may start a diet or change it
your appearance. The relationships in the foreground, to analyze and solve the bad texts.
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