Harvey Colchado Removal: Controversy and Investigations Surrounding Diviac Chief – Latest Updates

2024-04-13 20:33:12
Harvey Colchado was relieved of Diviac by the PNP. Video: Channel N

Harvey Colchado was relieved as head of the High Complexity Crime Investigation Division (Diviac) of the National Police, confirmed former Minister of the Interior Mariano González in dialogue with Canal N.

The former head of the Mininter indicated that the uncomfortable official has two investigations open in the Inspectorate: one for not having an operations plan in the raid on Dina Boluarte’s house and another for her alleged birthday cake.

In this regard, González called on the Executive so that the decision be revoked. “The last sensible voices in the government should recommend to the president that she stop these irresponsible, anti-democratic and attacks on the system. There are many people who say that the colonel has disrespected the president, but the first person who has disrespected the presidential figure is Dina Boluarte,” he mentioned.

Harvey Colchado has been one of the police officers most questioned by this and Pedro Castillo’s government. | Diffusion

At another time, the former minister recalled that the intention to remove the colonel was warned by the dismissed PNP commander general. “A plan that was previously announced is being perpetuated. General Angulo himself said it two months ago. It was part of the plan to remove Colchado as usual and they are executing it. What this reveals is the government’s intention to avoid investigations,” he added.

In that sense, he questioned the investigation being carried out for the raid on the head of state’s house and indicated that “La Diviac, neither Colonel Colchado nor all the officers had anything to do with it. “That is an exclusive request from the Attorney General’s Office.”

The former Minister of the Interior, Mariano González, said that they wanted to remove Harvey Colchado, “at any cost.” Video: Channel N

In dialogue with Punto Final, the former commander general of the National Police of Peru (PNP) said that the then leader of the Interior, Víctor Torres, had the intention of separating Harvey Colchado, head of the DIVIAC and general coordinator of the Special Team Against Corruption in Power.

“What was the relationship with the Special Team?” asked the journalist. “Once he asked me if it was possible to retire General Harvey Colchado,” Angulo responded.

It is worth mentioning that this is not the first time that the separation of Harvey Colchado has been sought by high places. Prior to the assumption of Dina Boluarte, it was Pedro Castillo himself who, through his lawyer Eduardo Pachas, requested the Inspector General of the Police to initiate a sanctioning process that would lead to the retirement of Colonel Harvey Colchado.

At that time, it was also due to a search warrant at the Government Palace carried out on August 9 of last year, in search of Yeni Paredes, linked to irregular acts in the management of the former president’s office.

Harvey Colchado heads the High Complexity Crime Investigation Division

Harvey Colchado’s lawyer, Stefano Miranda, announced that they will request the lifting of this measure described as “disproportionate, incongruent, unmotivated and that flagrantly violates the rights of my client.”

“We are very concerned regarding this resolution. We are going to fight for their rights and job stability that corresponds to them as well,” he added to Colchado’s defender.

Regarding the investigation into the birthday cake that he received and was spread on social networks, he indicated that it does not merit a serious or very serious offense, “because it comes from a personal cell phone.”

“In addition, it is not only the president of the republic to whom the door was opened in this way. There are more than six proceedings that have been carried out under the same premise and that demonstrate this inconsistency of the inspectorate in removing my client from office,” she explained.

Stefano Miranda was once morest the separation from Harvey Colchado. | Channel N
#Harvey #Colchado #relieved #Diviac #president #afraid #Minister #Interior



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