Top Affordable Cities in the USA: Where Less Income is Needed to Live Comfortably

2024-04-13 11:30:08

Every day more citizens of the United States (USA) have decided to move to cities where less income is needed to live, with a smaller population and cheaper to purchase homes.

By Diary 2001

Large cities such as San Francisco, Chicago and New York have already moved to another level of interest, being classified as the most expensive in the country.

As housing markets soar in and around these cities, a household income of $100,000 no longer stretches as far as it once did.

Cheap cities to live in

According to a recent survey, 51% of people who earn more than $100,000 each year report living paycheck to paycheck.

But, in the US there are cities where a family income of $100,000 is more than enough to live comfortably and without worrying regarding when the payment day will be.

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#cities #income #live



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