Signs: Aries, you will be more thoughtful before making the decision to externalize – 2024-04-13 21:23:31

Today, we have Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun in Aries which makes us feel like discussing and expressing any issue that concerns us and the appropriate way to say what we have in mind is the simple and clear.

But since we have retrograde, it is an opportunity to clear up misunderstandings, to meet old friends and acquaintances, to visit favorite places, where we have had a good time, but also to revise opinions and plans, to rethink proposals and to find solutions to problems that have arisen . On the other hand, we may suffer in our travels and not be able to keep to our schedule, due to postponements or delays.


The conjunction of the Sun with Mercury, although retrograde, pushes you to have more discussions regarding personal matters, to express your opinions and perceptions and to take a stand on several issues even if they are not within your jurisdiction. Given that you naturally speak without “dipping your tongue into your mind”, the retrograde course of Mercury can only be good, because you will be more thoughtful and collected before making the decision to externalize. Although in the followingnoon, with the Moon from your 3rd forming a square with Mars and Saturn from your 12th, you will hardly be able to avoid tensions and disagreements since you are one of those people who cannot keep things inside for long repressed and harbor vices and guilt.


The Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde in Aries is an aspect of externalization and communication. However, in your 12th, the opposite will probably happen and most of the conversations will either be regarding past issues or only with yourself. Your need to get in touch with the most hidden aspects of yourself brings up memories from the past that you will try to re-evaluate and even revise your assessments, so it does not leave you room to confide thoughts and plans. In the followingnoon, the Moon from your 2nd will form a square with Mars and Saturn from your 11th and it is almost certain that through some goals and visions that need money, you will feel insecure. If you are tempted to give money, avoid it.


The conjunction of the Sun with retrograde Mercury in your 11th will bring meetings with people you have had a long time to see and who you may have missed. You will talk non-stop regarding the past, you will express your opinions, however, for future plans and plans, there will be little information that you will give. In general you will be communicative, however you should be careful in the followingnoon hours when the Moon will form a square with Mars and Saturn from your 10th. It is most likely that someone from your professional area will think that you are quite ambitious and selfish, as a result of which they will attack you and try to put you in your place, causing you emotional outbursts and violent reactions.


Your sociability is strictly limited to professional contexts since with the Moon in your 12th, you are not in the mood for confiding and many conversations. However, with the Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde in your 12th, you will find yourself in business plans talking a lot and expressing your opinions. You may bring up themes from the past and plans that were successful in order to move forward safely. In the followingnoon, however, with the Moon squares with Mars and Saturn from the 9th, you will feel exasperated and angry mainly with yourself for repressing your emotions in phases when you simply should have expressed them. A case related to abroad may trouble you.


With the Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde in your 9th, you will be open to perceptions, have smart ideas related to commerce, and above all, an optimistic disposition with ease to handle anything that comes up. You will seek the truth and through it once once more you will find the value of morality in your life. Anything boring and trivial, today when you have big plans will not touch you, while it is possible that you will want to travel for business or entertainment reasons. In the followingnoon, however, although you will have the need to be with your company with the square of the Moon from your 11th with Mars/Saturn from your 8th, it is possible that important issues and tensions will arise following your tendency to finish people and situations that do not satisfy you.


With the conjunction of the Sun and Mercury in your 8th, you will be given opportunities through smart ideas and solutions to improve your finances and possibly re-manage the case of a loan, an inheritance or tax case pending from the past. No matter how much you are interested in occult subjects, today you will have such questions. With the Moon in your 10th, while throughout the day you are careful not to escape and comments are created around your name, in the followingnoon with the Moon squares with Mars and Saturn from your 7th, you will provoke to such a point that you will not be able to hold back. It is possible that you have tensions with your partner because of your heavy work schedule.


With the conjunction of the Sun with retrograde Mercury in your 7th, you will have the opportunity to discuss with your partner issues that preoccupied you in the past and through clever ideas to find solutions. In general, you will be sociable and communicative, and a collaboration proposal may arise with someone you have worked with in the past. With the experience and knowledge you have, you can make better negotiations and achieve what you have in mind. However, in the followingnoon when the Moon from your 9th will form a square with Mars and Saturn from your 6th, it is possible that some plans will be delayed and you will be irritated. You may still not be able to do some things that you had in your schedule because of some other obligations that you cannot avoid.


With the conjunction of the Sun with retrograde Mercury in your 6th, it is a good opportunity to deal with spiritual work, with pending and bureaucratic obligations that remain unresolved. You can still negotiate commercial issues or anything related to municipalities, etc. You will have nervousness, mobility, several transactions and transactions, however, to be successful you should only deal with matters of the past otherwise you will have obstacles and delays. In the followingnoon when the Moon from your 8th will form a square with Mars and Saturn from your 5th, it is possible that you will have a loss of money, or you will quarrel strongly with your children and be disappointed by their cruelty. You will be emotionally charged, you will seethe inside and you will come out with various repressed things, possibly also in the emotional field.


The conjunction of the Sun with retrograde Mercury in your 5th will be quite favorable for you, especially if you wish to reconnect with your ex. You will think positive thoughts, relive the past and express yourself without caring what others say, since your main concern is to feel good. Even if you don’t want a reunion, it’s possible that you’ll run into someone you’ve known for a long time and rekindle your interest. However, in the followingnoon you will be stressed because of the squares that the Moon from your 7th will form with Mars and Saturn from your 4th. Tensions and fights will arise with your parents because of a love affair they may not approve of and will attack you.


You are not one to air your laundry and with the conjunction of the Sun with retrograde Mercury in your 4th, you will keep even more secrets regarding your family. You will be nostalgic for past times and situations and bring up conversations that were held in the past. You may even deal with chores and repairs that the house needs to improve the functionality of your space. This is also helped by the Moon from your 6th, which brings you the desire to tidy up and house, however because in the followingnoon it will form a square with Mars and Saturn from your 3rd, you should be careful regarding accidents. In general, be careful with your movements and make sure you don’t waste your energy unnecessarily.


You are going through a period of extroversion and today, with the conjunction of the Sun with retrograde Mercury coming to an end, you will have many meetings and discussions that mainly concern past issues or with people you have had a long time to meet. Nevertheless, you will make sure to hide some things while it is possible to sell or repair your old car, computer or mobile phone. In general, it will be an active day, while with the Moon in your 5th and in the followingnoon forming a square with Mars and Saturn from your 2nd, you will make unnecessary expenses, for hobbies and entertainment, as a result of which you will be left behind. Expenses may also arise for children’s activities, while it is possible that you will try to pick up their leashes.


With the conjunction of the Sun and retrograde Mercury in your 2nd, you are dealing with financial issues you have from the past. You will make purchases, although I would not recommend it, since it is preferable to indulge in sales of older items, rather than purchases. In fact, it is possible that your parents will give you something to sell. If they owe you money today they might pay you back. In the followingnoon, however, various problems will arise in relation to your family. The square that the Moon will form in your 4th with Mars and Saturn from your 1st will bring repressed feelings to the surface, you will be ill-tempered, argumentative and provocative both with your family and with your partner.


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#Signs #Aries #thoughtful #making #decision #externalize



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