“No to the encore maneuver” –

“No to the encore maneuver” –
Domenico Alcamo

The superbonus issue was the sore point in the drafting of the Def, and the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti made it explicit in the press conference in which he illustrated the document. A “devastating” impact. This is how the owner of via XX Settembre defined the impact of the building bonuses on the debt, which means that «apart from the consolidated net debt of 7.2% in 2023, the forecasts tell us 4.3 for 2024, 3 .7 for 2025, 3 in 2026, 2.2 in 2027″. Giorgetti specified: «The trend of the debt is heavily influenced by the cash impact of the payment of the Superbonus tax credits for the next few years», a «huge mass of 219 billion in construction credits», considering all the bonuses in the sector. The Superbonus, a qualifying measure of the Conte 2 government (in the 2020 Nadef it was even foreseen that the deficit would reach 3.3% in 2023) was at the center of the majority’s criticisms throughout yesterday. The deputies in the League’s budget commission insist on the figure of 219 billion, of which 160.3 refer to the Superbonus. An exorbitant figure, much higher than the amount of the PNRR which for Italy is equal to 194.4 billion euros. This would be enough to highlight the need to put an end to a measure that is placing a serious burden on Italians’ accounts, for the benefit of a very small audience of interested parties.” From Fratelli d’Italia, the group leader in the Chamber Tommaso Foti observes how the instrument “will weigh 200 billion in public debt and has taken away resources from healthcare, schools and pensions”. The Vice President of the Council and National Secretary of Forza Italia Antonio Tajani was also very critical: “The public accounts have a complicated situation resulting from the terrible use of the Superbonus,” he said, speaking to Start on Skytg24.

The tool “in theory might have been a good choice but – in the absence of controls – it meant that too many cheaters took the money and perhaps took it abroad without then using it”. So there was no benefit for the economy, for the construction industry, but there was a benefit for too many cheaters. Too much money has been thrown away, so now we need to avoid a catastrophe in public finances. The 5 Star Movement rejects the criticisms of Giorgetti and the centre-right. Gianmauro dell’Olio, vice-president of the Chamber’s budget commission, observes: «The Meloni government is not able to explain to Italians what the programmatic objectives are on investments, work, healthcare and so on. The result is a vile and irresponsible Def, with Minister Giorgetti trying to hide the reticence of the document by chanting the usual “devastating” effects of the Superbonus. The truth is that the only devastating thing here is Giorgetti’s (non)economic policy, which clings to a GDP growth forecast of 1% in 2024, while the Bank of Italy does not go beyond +0, 6%. This, and certainly not the Superbonus, is the only real reason for a public debt in relation to GDP which the Government will increase already this year and in the following years”. The problems of the instrument are also underlined by Europe, with a senior official who, in view of next Thursday’s ecofon, said: «I understand that Italian public finances have been affected by the Superbonus and substantially dominated by it towards the end of last year”. And he added: «This is something that was limited in time and now the work will begin for Italy, as for all other countries, to put their public accounts in order».

#encore #maneuver #Tempo
2024-04-13 10:25:10

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