“Love is a Dog from Hell” directed by Giorgis Kontopodis – 2024-04-12 16:18:48

Your life is your life. Don’t let her cower into a cheap submission. Take care. There are ways to escape. And there is a light somewhere. It may not be very strong but it banishes darkness.

Theater Group 2510 presents a dark fictional story inspired by the poetic work of Charles Bukowski. The successful show “Love is a Dog from Hell”, written by Andreas Zafeiris and directed by Giorgis Kontopodis, returns to the act Theater for 2 performances only.

A play regarding human relationships and the unknown aspects of our existence, the unfamiliar and predictable, which brings us face to face with the pathologies of society, with critical questions of the “dirty” realism of the entire Bukovian universe and, finally, the hardest path from the Condemnation of Alienation, to the possible Redemption of Love and Eros.

Henry (Hank) Chinaski, a controversially famous fringe poet and writer, and the alleged alter ego of Charles Bukowski, receives an unexpected visit from a woman, Lydia. Her purpose is to convince him to read some of the poems she has written on the occasion of her daughter’s death, a moment that marked her life.

Inside a dark, damp, cold basement, these two people grow closer. The eroticism between them is so intense that they are inevitably driven into each other’s arms and that’s when their true intentions begin to surface. Desperation, revenge, justification, threat, temper, silent anticipation, are some of the words that can describe the 48 hours they spend together.

A superficial acquaintance that from the first moment digs deep into the soul of both, allowing truths to emerge that neither of them knew existed. Until we reach the deconstruction of the past and lead to Purgatory, in whatever possible way both the heroes and each of us can experience it. Because, as mentioned in the project: “Everyone has their own personal Hell, depending on what they have done. And there to be atoned for until… to be redeemed”.

Performance ID:

Text: Andreas Zafeiris

Directed by: Giorgis Kontopodis

Soundtrack: Giorgis Kontopodis

Portrait design: Giannis Ginis

Lighting: Hara Nikolaou

Photos – Trailer: Marialena Boe

Contact: Eleftheria Sakareli

They play: Loukas Xaplanteris, Amelie – Andriana Tripamboukis

Performance Dates:

Monday 15 and Tuesday 16 April at 21.30

Duration: 80′

Ticket Prices:

Normal: 12€ / Student, Unemployed, Part-time: 10€

ACT THEATER: 65 Gerokostopoulou Stairs, Patra

Reservation Tel.: 2610272037 & 6936122263


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