Kasselakis acts as an influencer – 2024-04-11 22:54:34

THE government representative, Pavlos Marinakisspeaking on the “Connections” show of ERTNews, said that Mr. Kasselakis acts as an influencer and has the same logic as parties that peddle conspiracy theories.

On the occasion of the statements of the managing director of the OSE, Panagiotis Terezakis, regarding the editing of the dialogues about the Tempe case, Mr. Marinakis commented: “Because I saw the title and listened to the interview, I believe that there is a discrepancy between what emerges from a interview and what Mr. Terezakis says, who makes various assumptions about what might have happened, but says that nothing concrete happened in the Court and rules out what we have ruled out all this time.”

“I consider it to be one of the most characteristic issues of falsification of reality and above all to confuse the world. Here we are talking about an issue which is a non-issue as far as the essence of the Tempe issue is concerned. We talk about human error, to get along. We are talking about a set of conversations. I will say it one more time, because it is very important not to lose the bottom line: If there is an issue of leakage, let the justice investigate it, and it investigates it, that is another matter. But here we have 15 conversations. These conversations were made public and one of them that day seems to have gone wrong. The next day all the sites, the public television, also got the conversation right. All the other conversations and this one advocated human error, this one was about another train after all.

OK, said, explained. On the same day, the confession of the fatal station master came out. Everything was clean. There was no one to question. Even the staunchest opponents of the government, of the OSE, of what happened, never questioned human error. And he’s had an issue open for about a month now, which is going nowhere. Was there any reason for anyone, whoever he was, to falsify something to manipulate public opinion about something that was settled?’ he wondered.

“The opposition keeps issues in the news because it has no narrative and no program and counter proposal. The prime minister in his first position, in his first speech, in his first address to the citizens after the tragic accident in Tempe, spoke mainly about human error, which was met with chronic pathologies of the Greek state, all of which are being investigated. We have all been told that this is also human error and everything else is being investigated. And at the end of the day, more than a year has passed with unprecedented times for Greek data, and this is how I want to believe that Justice will always be in the future. Justice is proceeding, proceeding with apologies of the accused, proceeding with an investigation of all aspects, conducting second expert opinions, conducting investigations. And notice, oh miracle, none of these investigations, none of these individual tasks of justice, which is very properly doing its job, do not confirm any of the conspiracy theories of the opposition. Until they are disproved the conspiracy theories are maintained in a pompous way and when they are disproved it is a single column and we move on to the next one. Because they don’t care about the truth. They care about politicizing a tragic accident, exploiting people’s pain and campaigning for European elections in Tempe. This is tragic.”

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“The exact same narrative of fake news of populism, the same logic of leftist trees comes back wrapped in an influencer. Mr. Kasselakis behaves as an influencer, he picks up various pieces and adopts them. It has reached the point where it now has the exact same rhetoric as the parties that peddled conspiracy theories. The leader of the official opposition party writes an article with issues that are still being investigated by the Justice and so far it seems that they are conspiracy theories or issues that are not confirmed by anyone,” he added.

“I will not comment again on the conspiracy theories, the fact that he plays the judge, that he takes sides on matters that justice has never confirmed, that he points the finger, that he slanders. He says for example that we have the ability to process personal data, while we are not even controlled for anything, neither as a party nor as natural persons. That’s called defamation,” he said, noting that if he wasn’t representing a government and a wider community, he might have thought to protect himself.

“Any Kaselakis, nor Marinakis, nor anyone can slander anyone else because they want to portray the revolutionary with conspiracy theories. But what is the point? Let’s go to the economy. The pioneers of chaos, those who brought Greece to the trash as an economy, those who brought us to the edge of the cliff come and point the finger with exactly the same narrative at the government that. It created four hundred thousand jobs, it has four times, five times the growth rates of Europe, it has a cumulative increase in the real per capita income in Greece in the last three years of 18.6%, while in Europe it is 9.4%, it has succeeded and reduced the bad loans, he has increased deposits by 50 billion even for the weakest households and he has succeeded and has supported the minimum wage, he has increased it more than inflation”.

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