The Influence of E-sports and Gaming on Society: From Marginalized Players to Opinion Leaders

2024-04-11 12:55:28

When I was a kid, I ran out to play every day. If I was caught in an electronic toy store, my dad would usually make me stand while I came home.

Observing children watching e-sports game programs, I often feel the differences between generations. Sitting aside and watching others curse and curse while playing games turns out to be a stress-relieving and recreational entertainment.

Comedians, singers, movie stars, athletes, and now e-sports game masters, etc., following the information technology revolution, their influence is unprecedented. People from various fields suddenly become opinion leaders. When talking regarding political beliefs, social morality, religious philosophy, and the relationship between men and women, there are often many comments that are jaw-dropping.

My experience in playing electronic toys is that you can enter a safe haven. When I was studying, I had many game consoles, and I had all the ones I needed. When I was studying for a PhD, I went to the electronics store Saturn in Alexanderplatz in Berlin because I was feeling depressed. Bringing home a game console and three games killed two or three weeks.

I completely escaped from the stressful life of studying for a PhD. This escape was my last. After I came back to Taiwan to become a professor, I no longer had a game console. It can be seen that the job of a professor is really bad, and even my original hobby of playing games was eliminated. wipe out.

The revolution in information technology has made human society very strange. It turned out that people wanted to escape into a fantasy world to escape the pressure of the real world and live an isolated life. Unexpectedly, the world is now bigger. Many people like me when I was young The otaku who was a marginalized person in the real world found a world in the world of electronic toys, became a hero, and then emerged from his cocoon to serve as an opinion leader in the real world.

Of course I am talking regarding the phenomenon of unified gods. When I see such a person, it is basically hard to imagine that he can have such an income and status. His recent turmoil and remarks make me even more convinced that the information technology revolution will bring disorder and chaos to the world.

Weber said: People should not be regarded merely as products of social structures, but as actors who influence these structures.

From electronic toy stores on the street, video game consoles at home, the transformation of the e-sports arena due to the Internet, and the gorgeous transformation from marginalized people to opinion leaders, we realized that the information technology revolution not only changed the form of entertainment, but also profoundly changed the form of entertainment. profoundly affects the social structure and the role of individuals within it.

In this new era dominated by technology, the power of individual actions cannot be ignored. It continues to shape and reshape our social practices and values.

How many positive people are there in this world? Or do you prefer to avoid negativity? Weird people hide in a virtual world and then emerge from their cocoons to become opinion leaders in the real world. If normal people stop expressing their opinions and actively convey seemingly simple morals, the world will eventually be destroyed.Image source: taken from Li Zhongxian’s Facebook

Original text fromLee Chung Hun Facebookreprinted by Tuo Media with permission.

I write on Facebook as a note. I like German culture and don’t like to argue. “Many things are a matter of value choice, and there is no right or wrong”!

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