“Let’s get out of the Emiliano council” –

Game over for the wide field in Puglia. After days of tensions, accusations, spite and continuous judicial scandals, the 5 Star Movement has decided to leave the regional council led by Michele Emiliano of the Democratic Party. “We are reading political pages that are also judicial news that make our wrists tremble. These are events that are very distant from us. We do not make concessions to the center-right and to Giorgia Meloni and to the forces that operate within our political field. There cannot be double standards. We want to give an absolute shake-up, it’s time to clean up, clean the slate”, announced the president of the M5S, Giuseppe Conte, at a press conference in the press room of the Puglia Regional Council, in Bari.

Operation Overtaking: The Democratic Party's coup (with Conte) to torpedo Schlein

“Today – says the former prime minister following the arrest of a former councilor from Emiliano – we see the weeds of bad politics spreading here in Bari. The investigations are eloquent, we are for all constitutional guarantees, but the gray area is expanding. And when this is there there cannot be the M5S. Let’s leave our positions on the council, let’s give up all the delegations. We give up tasks in order to change things. We place ourselves outside the majority perimeter.” “We have never brought on board vote-catchers, we also have the list of leaders who offered us vote packages. We are absolutely impervious to bad politics. We have also given up on financiers, you don’t know how many, we have always worked with micro-donations from members. There are those who speak of opportunism – continues the grillino – those in the newspapers that say that today we would have discovered the legality are lunar reconstructions. Just think when we were in government of the Siri case and the Spazzacorrotti reform that we carried out to combat illegality and the fight once morest crime”.

“In the argument between Conte and Schlein the centre-right wins”.  The pollster's ruling

“Today – claims Conte in the press conference – we are making a contribution to Puglia and to the country. We are not just shouting ‘honesty’, we have developed a legality pact, a very detailed protocol so that the PA can deploy its activities in the name of constitutional principles, we ask for nothing else. We will offer it to the political forces, to the president Michele Emiliano and we are preparing to create this regulatory context to give a turning point from Puglia to the whole country”. The move had already been in the air for a few days, with Conte who gets Elly Schlein’s party into further trouble and splits the left just a few weeks before the European elections.

#Lets #Emiliano #council #Tempo
2024-04-11 11:33:48



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