“Businesses are closing because of China and the USA” –

“Businesses are closing because of China and the USA” –

Gianni Alemanno, National Secretary of the Independence Movement, raised a cry of alarm regarding European industrial management, crushed by China and the USA: “We are witnessing the progressive closure of factories operating in the sectors of the so-called ‘green and digital transition’. In full boom from demand for the products of these sectors deprived by the PNRR, a leading photovoltaic company such as the Swiss Meyer Burger closes its doors in Germany to reopen them in the United States, where it will be able to take advantage of the tax incentives used by the USA to support the production of the energy transition. Same fate for our FOS of the Prysmian group in Battipaglia, leader in the production of optical fibre, which will close leaving 300 workers unemployed, due to the ruthless competition from the Chinese, while Italy does not protect its national excellence by entrusting contracts to worse quality but cheaper from China”.

“The globalization of free trade – attacks the former mayor of Rome – is crushing Europeans in the conflict between the most important importer in the world, the USA, and the largest mercantilist exporter in the world, namely China. In this clash, Germany, which has imposed an asphyxiated market based on exports in the EU, has already been knocked out of the game, dragging the other European countries into stagnation. This is happening thanks to the Euro-unionist catafalque, which is structurally deflationist and unable to make European countries fiscally competitive or to produce regulations to protect national industrial policies. In all of this, Italy succumbs twice, also being the victim of Franco-German economic aggression within the euro area”. Alemanno comments raising his voice on the EU: “The issue of the dismantling of the European Union is urgently raised in the interests of the peoples and economies of this continent”.

#Businesses #closing #China #USA #Tempo
2024-04-11 03:27:26

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