Full application open to support warehouses in the Lag Zone – La Discusión 2024-04-10 12:08:33

The contest for the FNDR Rezago Almacén program is now open, so the authorities reinforced the invitation to entrepreneurs in said territory to apply for this important benefit that considers an investment by the Regional Government of Ñuble of $223 million to support those interested. , who have until April 4 to present their initiatives.

In this regard, the regional governor Óscar Crisóstomo explained that “this program is part of the agreement we have with Sercotec to strengthen the economy of our region. Let us remember that we have a fund of $1,000 million in total for the Lag Zone and of that, we have allocated this amount of $223 million to support this initiative, where we hope to benefit regarding 95 entrepreneurs,”

Meanwhile, the Minister of Economy, Erick Solo de Zaldívar, stated that it is part of President Gabriel Boric’s government program to continue strengthening micro, small and medium-sized businesses in the region in their role as drivers of the local economy. In that sense and according to data from the SII, this program has allowed 62% of the benefited stores to improve their sales, generating more than $650 million additionally.

“We have found a very good understanding in the regional governor Óscar Crisóstomo to continue promoting regional development policies that allow us to grow local SMEs and provide them with continuous support. This program allows warehouses to be digitalized, thus improving business management and customer service, which is why we invite local entrepreneurs to inform themselves and apply for this important fund,” commented Solo de Zaldívar, adding that in previous chapters , the beneficiary warehouses have shown substantial improvements in their processes with the implementation of new digital tools.

For his part, the director of Sercotec Ñuble, Pedro Elissetche, pointed out that they are holding informative workshops in each of the beneficiary communities, in order to motivate interested parties to apply.

“It is also possible to enter our website www.sectotec.cl and our social media platforms to find out where we will be holding our workshops and you can attend. One of the most important barriers to entry is that only 2% co-financing is required unlike the regular Sercotec warehouse program, which allows entering the program more easily,” he said.

It should be noted that the communes belonging to the Lag Zone are Quillón, Ránquil, Coelemu, Trehuaco, Quirihue, Cobquecura, Ninhue, Portezuelo and San Nicolás.

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