Trento Economy Festival: here are the 600 protagonists

A happening that will transform the streets, theatres, university and institutional places of Trento into a single large stage, with 280 events and over 600 protagonists: from five Nobel prize winners to famous singers, from 40 international economists to Radio 24 hosts who they fill the squares, from 22 ministers present to renowned pianists, from 80 speakers from the academic world to well-known comedians, from leaders of trade unions and parties to the almost 60 entrepreneurs and managers on the panels. The 19th edition of the Trento Economics Festival (the third organized by Gruppo 24 Ore and Trentino marketing on behalf of local institutions) is sure to be of interest to the public who will follow the proceedings in person and in online streaming from 23 to 26 May (last year there were approximately 40 thousand and 650 thousand respectively).

40 international speakers of high academic, political and institutional profile will also try to answer the question and challenge of the title (“Quo vadis? The dilemmas of our time”), with the aim of stimulating debate with the many young people who usually crowd the festival, thanks also to the collaboration of the University of Trento and the bridges established with 40 other Italian and foreign universities and business schools.
In the broad program of the Trento Economics Festival, great institutional, academic, entrepreneurial, military and religious protagonists stand out. There will also be space for the themes of the real economy in the events of the Territorial Economies format. High cultural profile reflections, at 360°, in the Meetings with the Author, with many new books presented. The program of academic, cultural and institutional events also sees an increase in the female presence among the speakers: around 35% while in 2022 it was 27%. Entertainment will also be guaranteed, as mentioned, with the numerous shows of the Fuori Festival.

The five Nobel Prizes announced

Standing out in the program are the Nobel Prize winners for Economics James Heckman, Michael Spence and Edmund Phelps and those for Peace Muhammad Yunus and Tawakkol Karman (in dialogue with Father Enzo Fortunato, spokesperson for the Papal Basilica of St. Peter). James Heckman, awarded in 2000 together with Daniel McFadden for his contributions to the “development of theory and methods for the analysis of selective samples”, will speak for the first time from the stage of the Trento Festival on the theme “How the welfare state favors overcoming inequalities”. Michael Spence, professor emeritus of management and former dean of the School of Business at Stanford University, returns to the festival following several years. The Nobel Prize winner in 2001 will address the theme “Living with global permacrises”, reflecting on his latest book “Permacrisis”, just published (internationally with Simon & Schuster and in Italy by Bocconi University press) together with the former English Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Mohamed El-Erian (president of Queen’s College, Cambridge and chief economic advisor to Allianz, the parent company of Pimco, the investment fund of which he was CEO). Also back in Trento is Edmund Phelps, awarded in 2006 for his analysis of the intertemporal relations of macroeconomic policy, considered the forefather of the neo-Keynesians, who will talk regarding his journey through the economic ideas and theories of the last 60 years.
The usual queues are expected outside the theaters and in the streets also for the speeches of the Nobel Peace Prize winners Muhammad Yunus (awarded in 2006 for his commitment to creating economic and social development from below) and Tawakkol Karman (awarded in 2011 for her non-violent struggle for democracy and the defense of women’s rights in Yemen): the founder of the Tawakkol Karman International Foundation will intervene in a dialogue with Father Enzo Fortunato, spokesperson of the Papal Basilica of St. Peter, entitled “Children are born to be happy ”.

Some speakers at the main events

The Festival will be inaugurated on 23 May at 6pm by Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, president emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Culture, in dialogue with Lavinia Biagiotti Cigna, president and CEO of Biagiotti Group, while the closing (Sunday 26 May) will be entrusted to the president of Confindustria Emanuele Orsini, interviewed by the director of Sole 24 Ore, Radio 24 and Radiocor, Fabio Tamburini. Among the interventions, those of David Petraeus, general of the United States army and former director of the CIA, stand out, who together with the Financial Times will try to analyze whether war can truly be considered the only tool for resolving ongoing conflicts. Additionally, two professors from the Chinese Communist Party School will participate in the panel on why globalization is not over. Two different points of view, therefore, in the best tradition of the festival, which has always been pluralist.
The presence of politicians in the debates is also pluralist: in addition to the 22 expected ministers and several undersecretaries (including Alberto Barachini, undersecretary of state with responsibility for information and publishing), the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein.
Don’t miss the speech on Saturday 25 May by Cardinal Matteo Maria Zuppi in dialogue with Marco Magnani, Luiss Guido Carli University, on the topic “A world in pieces, will it be able to find its compass once more?”. On the same day, Yahya Pallavicini, imam and vice-president of the Italian Islamic religious community, will also speak on the topic of money-religions.
We will talk regarding Italy, the Constitution and Europe with the general commander of the Carabinieri Teo Luzi, in dialogue with the president emeritus of the Constitutional Court Giovanni Maria Flick. Piero Cipollone, member of the ECB’s executive committee, will reiterate the profound and urgent connection between climate change and monetary policy. The European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Paolo Gentiloni will illustrate the prospects following 2026 for Next generation Eu. José Manuel Campa, president of the European Banking Authority, will speak on the crisis of the European economies and the role of banks.
Climate changes, catastrophe risks and insurance will be discussed with General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo. Certainly interesting is the analysis on clandestine capital and tax havens by the former head of the Milan Prosecutor’s Office Francesco Greco and the look at democracies and constitutions by the vice-president emeritus of the Constitutional Court Daria De Petris in dialogue with the jurist and former minister of the Justice Marta Cartabia, Bocconi University. Also present were several other representatives of the major institutions and trade associations such as Renato Brunetta, president of the National Council of Economy and Labour, Paolo Savona, president of Consob, Francesco Greco, president of the National Forensic Council, Rosario De Luca, president of the National Council of order of labor consultants, Raffaella Ferrai, president of the order of chartered accountants of Trento, Gaetano Stella, president of Confprofessioni, Lucilla Sioli, director of artificial intelligence and digital industry, general management of Connect of the European Commission.

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The protagonists of geopolitics

In addition to General Petraeus and the two professors of the Chinese Communist Party School, geopolitics will also be the protagonist of other important panels. Among the new initiatives that will characterize this edition, the collaboration with Ispi (Institute for international political studies) stands out with five geopolitical panels that decline the title of the 2024 edition “Quo vadis” on the European, American, Chinese, global and of the Near East. In dialogue with the executive vice-president of Ispi Paolo Magri, among others, Romano Prodi, University of Bologna, Emma Marcegaglia, president and CEO of Marcegaglia Holding, Luigi Di Maio, special representative of the EU for the Gulf region, Claudia Parzani , chair Italian stock exchange.
We will also talk regarding the puzzle of the US elections with Giulio Tremonti, president of the Chamber Foreign Affairs Commission; of European elections with Alessandro Chiocchetti, secretary general of the European Parliament.
In the speeches on the first day, Thursday 23 May, he will discuss global balances shifting from West to East with Sebastiano Maffettone, Luiss Guido Carli University, Giuliano Noci, vice-rector of the Polytechnic of Milan, Andrea Zoppini, Roma Tre University; of democracies divided between Putin and Hamas with Sergio Fabbrini, director of the political science department of the Luiss Guido Carli University; of today’s wars and the drama of civilians with the general secretary of Doctors Without Borders Christopher Lockyear; of how the new African bourgeoisie grows with the economist Giulio Sapelli; of global debt, inflation and economic development with Giovanni Tria, University of Rome Tor Vergata; of space economics and rules with Paola Severino, President of the School of Law of the Luiss Guido Carli University; but also of the fall of the Roman Empire (and why the messages are relevant today) in an intriguing dialogue between Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone and Aldo Cazzullo; spotlight also on urban transformation with urban architect Carlo Ratti, professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston.

#Trento #Economy #Festival #protagonists
2024-04-10 07:48:55



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