2024-04-09 22:25:10
The proportion of foreigners in the number of suspects increased significantly last year. This is shown by the police’s new crime statistics. So far there has been a lack of will to do anything regarding it.
The German police are increasingly dealing with foreign suspects.
Susanne Gaschke is an author for the NZZ in Germany.
Angelina Vernetti
You are reading an excerpt from the weekday newsletter “Der Andere Blick”, today by Susanne Gaschke, author of the NZZ in Germany. Subscribe to the newsletter for free. Don’t live in Germany? Benefit here.
If further proof was needed that Angela Merkel’s statement “We can do it” is one of the most fatal illusions in the history of the Federal Republic, then it has been provided. The 2023 crime statistics, which, as always, were announced before their official presentation, show an increase in foreign crime of around 18 percent compared to the previous year.
The German state is obviously overwhelmed by the current mass immigration and is no longer even attempting an integration policy that would result in compliance with the law.
Of the 2.2 million suspects in 2023, 923,000 did not have a German passport. That’s more than 40 percent. However, the proportion of non-Germans in the total population is only 15 percent. That means: Germany imports crime on a large scale. Dual nationals and newly naturalized people are not even included here.
“Don’t leave us alone with these Germans”
In this context, it is regularly said that there are many crimes under immigration law, for example violations of the residence law, which naturally only foreigners can commit.
The Social Democratic Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser puts the threat posed by violent young people with a migration background into perspective by identifying their “experiences of violence through terror and flight, but also the risk of poverty” as the causes of the problem.
All of this is true – also, somehow. But it doesn’t change the fact that German immigration policy is completely one-sided and shaped by the image of the “good migrant”.
“Foreigners, don’t leave us alone with these Germans,” that was what was written decades ago on a bumper sticker that was very popular and widespread among leftists. This spirit lives on: the good, the actually better stranger, just needs to be adequately supported and protected from discrimination, and then things will work out.
Immigrants encounter a weak state
It just doesn’t work. There are undoubtedly many immigrants who would like to adapt to German society and make their fortune through work – and by the way, it is they who are often tormented by the German authorities with the most petty bureaucracy.
But there are others too. Those who want to enjoy the advantages of the German social system without accepting the cultural requirements – for example, responsible child-rearing, respect for women, religious restraint, non-violence.
In Germany, these people encounter a state that is weak for a variety of reasons. The youth welfare system, which should help immigrants’ children to arrive, has been cut short. And where it still exists, it does not cultivate an optimistic and robust culture of integration, but rather green and late social democratic anti-discrimination discourses. Overall, there is a climate that encourages even eight-year-olds to insult their teachers as racists when they try to assert themselves.
Too few teachers, judges, prosecutors
The schools have far too few staff. The teachers are afraid: of Muslim parents and of their own superiors. The superiors are afraid of accusations of racism. There are no longer any significant disciplinary measures for students who act out.
There are too few judges. Too few prosecutors. Too few public prosecutors. Too few detention places. Too few correctional employees. The police are not allowed to do enough: for example, not to use the intelligent video analyzes from the cameras at train stations (a particularly large number of knife crimes are committed there). But no: data protection!
The federal police needed their own responsibility for deportation procedures. And expulsion proceedings. It might relieve the burden on the overwhelmed local immigration authorities. If you ask the people who actually care, there are thousands of suggestions – for better integration and for a state that cannot be fooled.
But what also seems to be missing is the political will to “create” anything concrete in immigration policy.
#Germany #imports #crime #large #scale