15th ND Conference: The clear messages and the trumpeting of victory by Mitsotakis – The apotheotical interventions of Laien, Weber, Schina and the appointments of ministers 2024-04-09 23:05:01

The 15th Congress of the ND ended at the Zappeio Megaro on Sunday with the speech of the prime minister, who conveyed in all tones how decisive the June Euro elections are, underlining that both Greece and the whole of Europe have no room for experimentation in this difficult time.

The Prime Minister noted that the EPP will once again be the big winner of the June 9 European elections and that the conference highlighted how valuable the ND’s offer has been all these decades.

“This means leadership,” he said referring to the country’s accession to the EEC by Konstantinos Karamanlis. “We were the ones who stood by Europe in every crisis”, he said while referring to the pandemic, the Greek proposal for a single digital passport, the response to the energy crisis, immigration when the president of the Commission came to Evros, immigration , in support of the defending Ukraine. “We are the ND, a responsible and consistent force that is ready to contribute to the new challenges”, he underlined.

“I am still talking about forging cohesion in the societies of all European peoples. Challenge and response to populism. This is one of the great dangers that runs through all European countries. It has different signs, extreme right or extreme left. Populist demagogues want to erect artificial divisions. As Ursula said, it is something that Greece has paid dearly for in the past. We will never allow what happened in the last decade to happen again. The economic crisis lasted longer in Greece because populism prevented it from regrouping. A little further is Syntagma Square. We remember again the two sides of the lie coming together in anti-European, supposedly anti-systemic events,” he stressed.

Greece, from being a laggard in the economy, is a protagonist in development

“We have to make our continent competitive again. I am one of the first champions of the issuance of a Eurobond that will shield Europe as a whole. And to those who say that this is not happening, I answer them that this is what they were saying in 2020 as well, but we finally convinced them and created the Recovery Fund”, emphasized Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

“The European elections in June are decisive. Demanding that MEPs come out with a European logic and a national voice. They hope in the opposition but we will not do them any favors, to distort the mandate that the government received a few months ago. Do we have room for experimentation?” continued the prime minister.

“Greece stands by the side of the Cypriot people for the just solution of the Cypriot issue. This tragedy must end. 50 years. There is also a black anniversary, the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion and occupation of Cyprus. The more powerful Greece is in Europe, the more powerful Hellenism is in Europe, the more powerful Cyprus is in Europe. Greece and Cyprus are one,” Mr. Mitsotakis emphasized.

The prime minister said that everyone recognizes that Greece, from being a laggard in the economy, is a protagonist in development, investments are increasing, unemployment is decreasing, public debt is limited, wages and pensions are increasing.

“We are reducing the distance in Europe and we want to reduce it everywhere. In this effort we have the help of the EU”, he noted, bringing for example the health projects with resources from the Recovery Fund.

“Who wants to stop this course? We know them. Mr. Kasselakis does not hide it, he has Mr. Polakis in his soul. SYRIZA never changed. It was him. He knows how to pollute the political debate with toxicity. It shows basic ignorance about basic things in our country. It is not possible to ask for a postal vote in the national elections when his party voted against it in the European elections as well. Mr. Androulakis has chosen to paint PASOK with the colors of SYRIZA”, he continued.

“I never hid my problems. I was the first to take responsibility. However, the path is one of constant progress despite the difficulties and an election campaign should not be conducted full of lies. They create immunity to stupidity. Much more, there is no place today for the instrumentalization of pain, as is the case with the national trauma of Tempe. As if there are Greeks who are more saddened by this tragedy. On the way to the polls, we all have a duty to turn our backs on division,” he noted.

The opposition is constantly undermining the steps being taken

“Many times this war seems unequal. We know that pathogens are ingrained. Our results are judged in the limited time of election arcs. We know well that the opposition is constantly undermining the steps being taken. Because steps are being taken. Let it be. This is the cost of pioneering. We are not resting, nor are we lowering the bar of expectations”, emphasized Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

The prime minister noted that the government is doing the best it can in the face of precision and spoke about the armoring of the Armed Forces, the renovation of hospitals, the upgrading of education and the operation of non-state, non-profit institutions, about the public in service of the citizen.

“Meritocracy must replace bureaucracy. I have spoken about the recruitment of 27,000 teachers and school teachers. I want to get the same round of applause for the fact that these 27,000 are finally being assessed. Thus professionalism will win over fraternity. It is a battle that requires time and work,” he emphasized.

The prime minister said that the conference provided the opportunity “to learn lessons, to chart a course for the future”. Mr. Mitsotakis noted that unity and how it is a conquest “to be addressed by the previous ND president” and cited a quote from the founding declaration of Konstantinos Karamanlis.

A vote for ND in the elections says yes to its stability and progress

“From the 15th conference, not only its conclusions remain. The positions of the ND on the Europe of tomorrow and the claims remain that it will have from Brussels in the future”, said Kyriakos Mitsotakis, while he said that a positive result in the European elections “will give us an impetus so that Greece in 2027 will reap the fruits which he is entitled to”.

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“Yes, I’m talking about risks. Parties that cannot propose a solution, the only thing they propose is to cut European funds in our country”, he pointed out. The prime minister said that no individual disagreement is meant to lead to a total rejection. “Let us weigh them all at their true weight. To spread throughout Greece explaining the importance of this electoral conflict. Let’s talk about the work that is being done and has been launched without denying failures. Read the weekly report to see how much is happening. We will answer with arguments and not with slogans. Against us we have the opposition of the existing problems. A vote for ND in the elections says yes to the stability and progress of the country, it means yes to a better Europe. Behind the title and the names of our ballot is hidden my own name to claim and go stronger in the European Council. I need this power the next day at the European Council”, said Mr. Mitsotakis.

“In the world of myths that some people want to live, I hear different scenarios. I answer them, we live in Europe and we want Ursula Von De Leyen as president and we live in Greece with ND and Kyriakos Mitsotakis in the front line. And Ursula again president of the European Commission for another five years,” Mr. Mitsotakis stressed while saying that next Monday the ND candidates will be announced and then “we will go door to door to fight to achieve another great electoral victory ».

Also present at Zappeio during the third day of the Conference was the president of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, who in her speech characterized Greece as a “strong pillar of the EU and security”, while she stated that she was impressed by the work of the Mitsotakis government, pointing out to the delegates that “I want you to know that you should be proud”.

“Greece looked at chaos, but under your leadership it became an economic pioneer. It has exceeded the European average and is an example in the world. It is the “home” of some of the fastest growing businesses in Europe. There is no doubt that you have given pride to Greece, but also to Europe,” stressed the head of the Commission and re-candidate Ursula von der Leyen, referring to Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

The president of the Republic of Cyprus, Nikos Christodoulidis, also spoke at the ND conference, who described the faction as a “European beacon”, making special reference to the actions of the government regarding Defense. “The ND under Kyriakos Mitsotakis contributed with deeds and not words to the securing of the sovereignty and independence of Greece by upgrading the Armed Forces and gaining the respect of all countries,” he said characteristically.

During the second day of the work of the Congress, in the presence of the Prime Minister, the President of the European People’s Party Manfred Weber took the floor, who praised the Greek Prime Minister whom he thanked for his contribution, saying that he is one of the most powerful leaders of 27 of the EU.

“You always stood against Erdogan to protect Europe’s borders. And in Egypt, a few weeks ago, with our friend Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the Commission, you showed that Europe can have secure borders and manage immigration. State authorities decide who enters Europe, not smugglers! No one can blackmail the EU, thanks to the strong Greek government” he said characteristically addressing the Greek Prime Minister.

The vice-president of the Commission, Margaritis Schinas, was also present at Zappeio, who made special reference to Europe’s need for “leadership capable of finding solutions to overcome crises, not empty words and hateful sermons”, referring to Kyriakos Mitsotakis and its president Ursula Von der Leyen Commission.

On Saturday, several government ministers also took the floor, setting the dilemmas and goals for the country and the EU ahead of the European elections.

The Congress of the ND started on Friday afternoon with the delegates, executives, ministers and the two former prime ministers Costas Karamanlis and Antonis Samaras giving a strong “attendance” and sending a message of unity.

ND celebrated 50 years since its foundation, with an impressive video tribute to the moments that marked the course of the faction and the country, from “Ethnarchi” Konstantinos Karamanlis to Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

The prime minister, in his opening speech on Friday, effectively declared the start of the pre-election period, launched an attack on SYRIZA and PASOK, accusing them of a climate of extreme toxicity, while warning regarding the protest vote or the “relaxed” vote that “the country will not forgive no turning back.”

“We have a mandate, to move forward boldly, steadily, improving the daily life of citizens” said Mr. Mitsotakis, and emphasized that the Greece of 2024 is beginning to approach the countries of advanced Europe, before referring to the increase in the minimum wage and the public sector salaries, but also to increases in pensions. In fact, Kyriakos Mitsotakis also referred to the horrific femicide in Agios Anargyros, saying in high tones that “yes, police cars should also become taxis”.

#15th #Conference #clear #messages #trumpeting #victory #Mitsotakis #apotheotical #interventions #Laien #Weber #Schina #appointments #ministers

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