Purine-Low Diet Guide for Gout Relief: What to Eat and Avoid to Reduce Uric Acid

Purine-Low Diet Guide for Gout Relief: What to Eat and Avoid to Reduce Uric Acid

2024-04-09 18:36:45

Those affected by gout often ask themselves the question: What can I eat to reduce the uric acid in my body? A diet low in purines may be the answer. Here you can find out what purines are and which foods contain little of them.

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In the clip: These foods help with gout

What is gout and how does it occur?

Gout is one Metabolic disorderthat through one increased levels of uric acid in the blood, also known as hyperuricemia. In most cases, gout has a genetic cause (primary form); more rarely, it occurs as a result of other diseases (secondary form). If hyperuricemia persists over a long period of time, uric acid crystals from mono-sodium urate can accumulate above a certain limit in the blood, tissues, joints and kidneys. Deposits in the joints lead to rheumatic complaintsincluding inflammation, swelling and intense pain.

What diet triggers gout?

Gout often occurs due to a improper diet and excessive alcohol consumption. It is therefore recommended to combine alcohol and food with one high purine content to avoid. Meat, sausage, offal and fish in particular are considered unfavorable when uric acid levels are elevated. Legumes, juices and soft drinks can also increase uric acid levels.

Diet plays a central role in gout and influences the level of uric acid in the blood. One Diet change is the best therapy for both the prevention and treatment of gout. The goal is that permanent reduction the uric acid level in the body to a value of less than six milligrams per deciliter. Those affected should therefore pay attention to a diet low in purines, avoid fructose and aim for a normal weight.

What exactly are purines?

purines are organic compounds, which occur in the cells of all living things and play an important role in metabolism. They are Components of nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA, the genetic building blocks of cells. Purines are also found in ATP (adenosine triphosphate), a molecule called Energy supplier for cellular processes serves, available.

In the human body, purines are produced by both Breakdown of the body’s own cells as well as through the Intake of foods containing purines. Some foods, particularly animal products such as meat, organ meats and fish, contain high amounts of purines. When purines are broken down in the body, it is created uric acid. An excessive increase in uric acid levels in the blood can lead to problems such as gout because uric acid crystals can build up in joints and tissues.

Which foods contain a lot of purines?

Here are some examples of foods high in purines:

  • Trout, herring with skin
  • Sardines
  • Sprats, smoked
  • Shellfish
  • Offal (liver, kidneys, sweetbreads)
  • poultry skin
  • Meat extract, gravy
  • Yeast and products made from it such as yeast extract, instant bouillon cubes
  • soy meat
  • Wheat germ

Which foods are low in purines?

A recommended nutritional option for gout is one ovo-lacto-vegetarian food. This includes Dairy products, eggs and plenty of vegetables (aside from purine-rich varieties like cabbage, green beans, broccoli, spinach and asparagus). Milk, yogurt and quark have little to no purine content and can be safely consumed in large quantities without increasing uric acid levels. The same applies to Eggs and hard cheese.

Also protein-rich plant foods such as grain products or flakes are well suited for nutrition. Potatoes, egg noodles, white bread and ricewhich also have a low purine content, you can integrate them into meals.

In addition to the right diet, adequate fluid intake is important: Drink Two to three liters of water daily as well as unsweetened herbal and fruit teas. The fluid thins the blood and promotes the excretion of uric acid.

What to eat if you have gout: You can eat these foods

We’ll show you which foods you can safely enjoy in order to create a balanced and gout-friendly diet plan.

Bread, grains and side dishes such as pasta, potatoes, rice


Recommended in moderation:

Not recommended:

  • Soymeal Products,
  • Wheat germ
  • French fries, fried potatoes, potato pancakes
  • Ready meals, fast food
  • If you have diabetes and/or are overweight: white bread, toast, croissants, rusks, wheat rolls; Durum wheat pasta, peeled rice

Snacks and nibbles


  • Vegetable sticks with yogurt dip or herb quark
  • Fruit
  • Nuts (see below)

Not recommended:

  • sweets
  • sweet and fatty baked goods
  • sweet dairy products
  • Ice cream
  • Chips
  • Salty biscuits



  • all types of fruit
  • If you are overweight, only in moderation: pineapple, banana, pear, honeydew melon, persimmon, cherry, mango, grapes

Not recommended:

  • sweetened fruit preserves and fruit puree
  • candied dried fruit

In the video: Apples really are that healthy



  • almost all vegetables
  • Types of lettuce, lettuce with bitter substances, dandelion, kohlrabi, cucumber, carrots

Recommended in moderation:

  • Legumes (beans, soybeans, lentils)
  • Spinach
  • asparagus
  • Salsify
  • Types of cabbage
  • Mushrooms, dried mushrooms

Not recommended:

  • Vegetable mixtures with cream or butter
  • if overweight: corn

Nuts and seeds


Recommended in moderation:

  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sunflower seeds

Less recommendable: salted nuts

fats and oils


  • Linseed oil (manufactured under exclusion of oxygen, heat and light)
  • Olive oil, rapeseed oil, walnut oil
  • little butter

Not recommended:

  • Pork and goose fat, clarified butter
  • Mayonnaise
  • sunflower oil, safflower oil



Recommended in moderation: Coffee or black tea

Not recommended:

  • Fruit juice and nectar
  • Soft drinks
  • Mixed milk drinks, soy drinks
  • Alcohol, non-alcoholic beer

fish and seafood

Recommended (always without skin):

  • Aal
  • Halibut
  • Hering
  • cod
  • carp
  • Salmon
  • (Smoked) Mackerel
  • plaice
  • It’s been around
  • Crayfish
  • shrimp
  • To scratch
  • Shellfish

Not recommended:

  • skin of fish
  • Anchovis
  • Sardines
  • sprats
  • Sardines
  • Measurement files

In the clip: How do you prepare fish correctly?

Sausages and meat


  • Skinless chicken
  • Turkey meat/cold cuts

Recommended in moderation:

  • lean beef, veal or game meat
  • Corned Beef

Not recommended:

  • Offal (liver, sweetbreads, heart, kidneys)
  • high-fat meat (such as chicken leg with skin, roast pork, knuckle, goose, duck)
  • Ham, bacon, high-fat sausage or sausage with offal (such as bratwurst, mettwurst, salami, liverwurst)

Eggs, milk and dairy products, cheese


In moderation recommended:

  • Scene
  • sour cream
  • sour cream

Not recommended:

Sweetened finished products, such as

  • Pudding
  • rice pudding
  • fruit yoghurt
  • Fruit curd
  • Sahnequark
  • Cocoa preparations
  • Fruit buttermilk

Gout diet: These foods increase uric acid

Certain foods affect uric acid levels and increase the risk of a gout attack. Here are some examples:

  • skin of fish
  • Offal (liver, sweetbreads, heart, kidneys)
  • high-fat meat, such as knuckle, goose, duck
  • Bacon, pork and goose fat, clarified butter, mayonnaise
  • high-fat sausage (e.g. bratwurst, mettwurst, salami, liver sausage)
  • Alcohol
  • Soft drinks and fruit juices with added fructose

Here are the right recipes for a diet for gout:

Why should fructose be restricted if you have gout?

Studies prove a connection between gout and fructose. The Inhibition of uric acid excretion by fructose contributes to the development of gout attacks. Fructose is found not only in fruits and fruit juices, but also in a variety of convenience foods such as cookies, ice cream, pizza and various sweet drinks. It is advisable to take a closer look at the ingredients. Avoid fructose, glucose-fructose and corn syrup. In general, it is advisable to significantly reduce the consumption of sugar, white flour products and processed foods.

Losing weight if you have gout: This is what you should keep in mind

High body weight is a risk factor for the development of the metabolic disease gout. If the body mass index is over 25, experts recommend losing weight. When losing weight, you should choose a slow method and not lose more than two to three kilograms per month. Note that Losing weight too quickly can trigger a gout attack. There are no specific diets for gout. If you want to lose weight, seek advice from a medical professional who can create an individual plan for you.

Further tips for gout patients

Instead of focusing on a specific diet for gout, sufferers should pay attention to a healthy diet and avoid certain food groups. For those who are overweight, a gentle and conscious weight loss advisable. Through the Renunciation of foods rich in purines Gout attacks can be avoided and symptoms reduced. Additionally carries drinking enough Help reduce the risk of gout attacks.

Have you heard of the blood group diet? Read more regarding it here:

Which foods for gout?

If you have gout, it is advisable to eat a balanced diet with few foods rich in purines. Lean proteins, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products are good options.

Which fruit lowers uric acid?

Fruits such as cherries, strawberries and blueberries are often recommended because they have antioxidant properties and may help lower uric acid levels. In addition, foods with a high vitamin C content such as acerola and black currants also reduce uric acid.

Can you eat tomatoes if you have gout?

Yes, tomatoes are considered gout-friendly – so you can enjoy them in moderate quantities. They contain low purine levels and are usually well tolerated.

What lowers uric acid quickly?

Adequate fluid intake, especially lemon water for a vitamin C boost, can help dilute uric acid and promote its excretion. Reducing purine-rich foods also affects uric acid levels.

What should I not eat or drink if I have gout?

Limit consumption of foods high in purines such as organ meats, certain meats, and fish. Also reduce alcohol, especially beer, and foods high in fructose.

Which fruits and vegetables should you not eat if you have gout?

It is advisable to avoid consuming sweetened canned fruit, fruit puree and candied dried fruit as well as vegetable mixes with cream or butter if possible.

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