Gabriel Fuks: “Almost the same thing happens in the Argentine embassy in Ecuador as what happened with the one in Mexico”

Gabriel Fuks: “Almost the same thing happens in the Argentine embassy in Ecuador as what happened with the one in Mexico”

2024-04-09 13:44:32

Gabriel Fuks maintains that it is necessary to reissue current international treaties to avoid interpretations that violate the right to asylum. There are many cases in the region in which the right to asylum has saved lives and has allowed us to get out of situations that might have been much more violent,” he stated in Modo Fontevecchiaby Net TV, Radio Perfil (AM 1190) and Radio Amadeus (FM 91.1).

Gabriel Fuks is a Parlasur legislator for Unión por la Patria. He was the last ambassador of Argentina in Ecuador, from 2022 to 2023, as well as secretary of Federal Articulation of the Ministry of National Security in 2019. He was also a legislator of the City of Buenos Aires, ombudsman and president of the Helmet Commission Whites.

When you saw what happened with the Mexican embassy, ​​did you ever think “this might have happened to me”?

It was relatively close the same thing happened when I was ambassador of Ecuador. I clarify that it was not the army, because otherwise it would have been an act of war, since it is Mexican territory. It was the National Police, which in Ecuador has a lot of weight, more effective than the Armed Forces. In some way, with this new “internal war” that has been declared in Ecuador, that President Novoa has put in place, it has a preeminence.

In some way, the role of the security forces during the government of Guillermo Lasso It was poor. I always say that, when I was an ambassador, there was a patrol car outside the embassy that wouldn’t start, things like that. In the context of leaving, because at no time do we prohibit him from entering or leaving, because the minister Maria de los Angeles Duarte He was free to do whatever he wanted, he was able to flee because evidently the levels of control were very low.

The Argentine Government condemned “what happened” at the Mexican embassy in Ecuador | Profile

There was, later, some provocation. What often happens is that the groups that generate attacks or some type of provocation are not directly linked to the official structure. Throughout history there were many cases of this, such as in ’56, when civilian commandos from “La Libertadora” entered the Haitian embassy, ​​where there were refugees. It was not the Government or the dictatorship who did it. In fact, there are processes where the dictatorships themselves, the Argentine genocidal dictatorship, for example, respected the right of asylum in the Mexican embassy of Cámpora, Juan Manuel Abal Medina, in short, the cases that existed at that time, which lasted for quite some time. until, finally, they left due to international pressure.

The worrying thing regarding this is that in recent years A reinterpretation of the Caracas Political Asylum Convention of ’54 is being madewhere, instead of respecting what the letter clearly says, that the State that is going to grant asylum is the one that decides, instead it becomes the State of the asylum seeker that decides, or at least those that They try to decide.

It happened with these two cases, Duarte Pensante, now. He also spent time in Bolivia, with Senator Roger Pinto. I point this out because it is not just an issue of the left, the right, and things like that. Dilma Rousseff wanted to grant him asylum, he spent two years in the Brazilian embassy in Bolivia until he finally left, and Bolivia interpreted that, since he had been tried by the local justice system, he should not leave.

The right to asylum is in crisis in the region. The Vienna Convention, which is the one that proposes the inviolability of diplomatic legations, is also in crisis, and it has really been a serious event, and then the explanation that has been given for that fact, in my opinion, has still been worse.

I know Roberto Canseco, I worked with him, who was there before I arrived in Ecuador. I know Raquel Serur, who is the ambassador who was, a day before, declared persona non grata by the Government. They are both excellent diplomats.

This violence that is exercised once morest a diplomat It is something unprecedented in the region. We are proposing, through Parlasur, that Ecuador’s role as a State associated with Mercosur be reviewed, while this situation lasts and there is no reparation. Because, although he has not violated the democratic charter, because for that he should be a full member, there is a complex situation. Just as Venezuela has been suspended at some point, Mercosur must issue a ruling on this issue.

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Ecuador has a controversial history with the issue of embassies. The case of Julian Assange, which I was able to interview there in Ecuador. She lived there for many years until Ecuador decided to revoke her asylum, something truly unusual…

It was a terrible thing. There was not a violation of the right of asylum by the United Kingdom, but rather a decision of Lenin Morenowho was president, to revoke asylum and leave him on the street, literally, which is tremendous.

It’s true. Ecuador is a country where this is experienced very intensely. When talking regarding cracks, for example, Correism and anti-Correism have a much higher level of virulence than cracks from other sides.

I appreciate that the Argentine Foreign Ministry has released a statement. I understand that they are currently negotiating the issue of the six refugees in the embassy in Caracas, and I also understand that it is very possible that the first sensible and reasonable statement since this Government took office is linked to experienced Foreign Ministry officials have recommended that, I think it’s good, I value it, but I think we have to have a much more proactive attitude. Propose the reissue of the agreements that govern and establish the right to asylum, which must be inalienable, there are no double interpretations. There are many cases in the region in which the right to asylum has saved lives and has allowed us to escape from situations that might have been much more violent, because the death of a political leader in situations of this type systematically provokes reactions and actions.

Alejandro Gomel: What other measure might be taken in the diplomatic sphere once morest Ecuador for what has happened?

There has been a very high level of condemnation. The OAS, in its own way, has had twists and turns in recent years, but in this case it had a logic of condemnation. Parlasur has released a statement condemning it, there are countries that have broken relations.

I think that in giving the national police a role in the internal war, Novoa has exceeded limits. Let us remember that it is a transitional government, because he was elected to finish the remaining term of Guillermo Lasso. With which Ecuador should enter, in the short term, into an electoral process. We will see how this type of issue impacts. I believe that the bukelization that Novoa promoted, regarding a real situation of the drug mafia, of different armed groups but not ideologized, but more linked to the province that provokes Ecuador’s role as a replacement for Colombia as the main node of drug traffickinghas led him to praise the National Police, which is stronger than the Armed Forces.

I think there is already tremendous isolation. The OAS, Mercosur, United Nations. Break relations with Mexico, which is a country with weight in the region. Brazil has also condemned the events. It will be very difficult for him to break the isolation to which he has subjected himself.


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