Bari, what’s happening in the Democratic Party between investigations and candidacies for elections? In Turin DDA requests house arrest for Gallo

The DDA of Turin has presented an appeal once morest the refusal by the investigating judge to place house arrest for Salvatore Gallo, 85 years old, the former manager of Sitaf under investigation in a branch of Echidna, the operation of the ROS carabinieri once morest the infiltration of the ‘Ndrangheta in Piedmont. Gallo is not implicated in organized crime matters: embezzlement is alleged to have been committed once morest him. Now the review court will decide. The investigation documents focus on episodes in which Gallo dispenses or promises favors in exchange for votes for some PD candidates in the 2021 local elections.

The connection between politics and business, which also emerged from the investigations in Puglia, with the specter of bought votes and rigged elections, has put the Democratic Party to the test, two months before the European and regional elections in June. The next few days will be decisive in the match for the lists. Meanwhile, there is no shortage of those in the party, such as MP Andrea Orlando, who are strongly calling for reform and greater and more detailed selection of the ruling class. At every level.

The first interrogations in the investigation into the vote swap are held in Bari

The Bari judiciary’s investigations into the risk of vote buying for the next municipal and European elections. A danger that is highlighted in the investigation papers which last April 4th led to 8 arrests and 2 residence bans, on charges of criminal association aimed at electoral corruption for the administrative elections of Triggiano and Grumo Appula. Among those under investigation for electoral corruption is the Transport Councilor of the Puglia Region, Anita Maurodinoia , Pd share, who resigned. Among others, the former councilor’s husband is involved in the investigation Sandro Cataldoand the mayor of Triggiano (suspended by the prefect) Antonio Donatelli, both under house arrest, who will be questioned on Monday 8 April by the investigating judge. A system to which Maurodinoia was no stranger and took part – according to the accusation – in the two criminal associations aimed at electoral corruption on the occasion of the administrative elections of 26 May 2019 (mayor and municipal council of Bari) and of the administrative elections of 20 and 21 September 2020 (mayor and municipal council of Grumo Appula, president and regional council). The investigation into the alleged vote swap, the third in a few months, convinced the M5s leader Giuseppe Conte and the candidate Michele Laforgia that there were no longer the conditions to resort to primaries to choose the candidate of the so-called “wide field” with the Democratic Party. A step backwards that ignited the Pd-MoVimento clash just when it seemed that Bari might be the laboratory for a political experiment: the Five Star Movement had never agreed to compete in the primaries, the Apulian one would have been the first time.

In Piedmont Gallo jr retires, tug of war between Bonaccini supporters and the faction headed by Schlein

After the “Bari case” which led to the rift between Conte and the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein, in Piedmont the regional Dem group leader resigned, Raffaelle Gallo, son by Salvatore Gallo, former Sitaf manager investigated for extortion, embezzlement and violation of electoral regulations. Gallo jr, a member of the Bonaccini area who had been designated as the leader in the next regional elections on 8 and 9 June, has left his position in the Regional Council and withdrawn his candidacy. In Piedmont the judicial earthquake triggered by“Echidna” investigation by the Turin prosecutor’s officeon the interests of the ‘ndrangheta on the Turin-Bardonecchia motorway, led to the opening of a new front in the political battle between the faction headed by Stefano Bonaccini and the one connected to Schlein. Raffaele Gallo’s step back was in the air following his 83-year-old father Salvatore, considered strong man within the party, particularly in moving votes and ensuring a high number of cards. The former manager of Sitaf, the A32 motorway concessionaire, is accused of electoral corruption, extortion and embezzlement. Gallo Jr, however, is not involved in the investigation. The decision to withdraw was taken following a conversation with the regional secretary Domenico Rossi, who in the last few hours, in addition to asking the internal guarantee commission to evaluate the behavior of Salvatore Gallo, had mentioned the hypothesis of reopening some reasoning on the list of Turin. Now, following the hard blow suffered by the Bonaccini area, the ball is in the hands of the supporters of the motion of the national secretary Elly Schlein, who are ready to present the name of Nadia Conticelli, regional president of the party, as well as group leader at Palazzo Civico, to fill the void left at the top of the list. But the Bonaccinians don’t want to stay on the sidelines. The phones are hot at the moment and authoritative sources speak of a race to find someone who can replace Gallo within a few days. Better if a woman, like the culture councilor of the Municipality of Moncalieri Laura Pompeo. Or a name not necessarily belonging to the party. For this reason we are returning to looking within civil society. An idea already entertained when the Democratic Party and M5s sat down at a table to discuss alliances and common projects. Since then it seems like a century has passed: the Five Star Movement has also chosen to run alone in Piedmont by nominating Sarah Disabato.

The self-regulation code for candidates arrives

Meanwhile, in view of the next electoral appointments, the Democratic Party has made it known that it already has countermeasures once morest these cases in the pipeline. Countermeasures that might start from Campania. Here, in fact, the Dem senator and regional commissioner of the party, Antonio Misiani, has developed, together with the provincial secretaries, a new “Self-regulation code” for candidates which “might very well be extended everywhere”, adapted to each regional reality and municipal. And which will be made official for the first time in the next few hours at a Campania party meeting. It is a package of measures that nails the candidate to the obligation of transparency and morality. First of all, those who want to represent the party in the various institutions will have to provide their criminal certificate. Then, he will have to sign a self-declaration in which he undertakes to report any phenomena of voting influence; episodes of vote swapping; intimidation during the electoral campaign and attempts at corruption or extortion during the elective or administrative mandate. Among the various commitments asked of democratic candidates are also those of signing the “ethical code” and declaring that they are not ineligible for candidacy with respect to the “anti-mafia self-regulation code”.

#Bari #whats #happening #Democratic #Party #investigations #candidacies #elections #Turin #DDA #requests #house #arrest #Gallo
2024-04-09 03:41:35



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